
*cracks knuckles*

It’s a pretty sad commentary on society that someone has to have the job of hunting down people that pretend to have been a hero.

Hey now, most of us sportos can only get so nerdy before we get shoved into a locker. But if Juju takes to Twitter and calls himself Super Saiyan, it is on, yo.

I dare you to leave a car parked without anyone behind the wheel and have it rush a crowd of people

Your Ferrari F430 looks somewhat better than this Ferrari Testarossa.

the clown only one was great. tons of parking available.

The other officers could stop him. They know he’s wrong, and they just watch. That’s why there’s really no such thing as a good cop. Even the best of them remain knowing bystanders while the worst of them victimize the innocent.

The irony of mansplaining ‘mansplaining’ to people who are very familiar with mansplaining should be noted.

There are already words for all of this (condescending prick, dickhead, asshole, abuse of power, Trump supporter), really no need to make up sexist words all while wanting equality. This man would have explained his (wrong) point of view to anyone the same way. Go ahead and make it a gender related thing but you’re

Was onboard with everything you said then you said “mansplain”.

Only Hypolita doesn’t look completely somewhat uncomfortable with this.

Dear Arizona,

You’re doing it all wrong.


Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.

That’s awful! I am so sorry.

I have heard that teaching internationally can be a really wonderful experience. I hope it goes well for you!

Unlikely, regarding the break. On the upside, I’ve received an offer to be a visiting lecturer in South Korea for a couple years. I finish up my current contract in Dec. and will be staying with my best friend in Montana for a couple months until I receive my plane ticket. No wife, no kids and no family in the US

I am highly against broad brush stroke shit like this. All men! All Women! I do tend to find if it’s something that keeps cropping up for a person, then that is the common denominator.

I would say this is a “people” problem, not necessarily a male-centric phenomenon.