Now playing

Just going to leave this here so people know what we're talking about. Man, memories of being a teenager back in '98 grooving to daft punk, chemical brothers, and whatever tracks I could find with an Amen Break. Only a few short years later to pay for school I found myself doing promotions for some of the largest DJ's

Like what exactly? As of you posting this, the only suggestions were a Zelda game (no name?) Persona 4 (one of the highest selling RPG series there is) and Shadow Warrior (an Indie hit).


GTA V has some fantastic electronic tracks from '98-2002. Hell, I almost forgot "Stardust" even existed. That said, if you're not into the genres included in the games, then it's simply a matter of opinion as always.

"In all honesty why is GTA V on the list? It was a typical GTA game." That's why it's on the list. GTA games have always been quality games. Regardless of if the game had some ground breaking feature, it was a solid game and enjoyable.

The idea that a game has to bring something "new" or "revolutionary" to the table

Honestly, as an avid consumer of PC games I just couldn't be bothered to finish Saints Row IV. I got maybe 10 hrs into it and simply didn't give a damn. I think the most entertaining part of the game were the clothing options, which I sadly unlocked all of within the first couple hours.

I think it really had an issue

And always remember, we get most all of the console games eventually, and if you really like controllers you can hook up a game pad of your favorite console.

There's actually a couple games that've made it to pc that I never bothered with because I knew they'd suck without a game pad. But, then again, I've never

All must beware the NurgleBoxOne and the SlaaneshStation and their agents of Chaos. Death to the Xenos! DEATH TO THE TRAITOR LEGIONS! of console gamers.

(If I had any skill at all in photoshop, I'd totally make the glowing green xbox one look nurgle'ish and the playstation blue glow like Slaanesh)

You know, it's funny. In my office (where my work pc is my gaming pc as well) I have a 32 inch tv all of4 feet away from my two monitors. Yet I tell friends who are console gamers that I just wouldn't play a console if I had one. But that's true! I have a PS2, which has sat in the same entertainment unit that my TV is

It's pretty flipped for me as well. Pretty much everything I want is on pc, but then there's those couple games(usually on hand helds that I wontbuy for just one or two games) that pop up, much like these sales for pc. It's just silly how both sides can't simply enjoy gaming and have to focus on what they have over

Glory be to Space Dad Gabe.

Don't worry, as a console gamer you can cuddle with your console exclusives to keep you company. Er ... wait, damn, look at all of these pc exclusives on sale, shit....must buy at half to 75% off....mmmmmmm exclusives.

(not a poke at you Doctor, just the silliness that people go on about regarding exclusives, and you

It's still up, and on sale for 48 hrs. So it definitely appears to be a pre-order sale. Neat.

Hall writes. "Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early

Hall writes. "Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early

The sheer quantity isn't there, sure. But with those series I listed, it's not as if the JRPG genre isn't on pc. The primary issue is that they are either region locked and/or not translated.

Which again, doesn't mean that they aren't on pc, they're just not meant for a western audience.

Not particularly, but keep in mind that just because a genre isn't one you're interested to, doesn't mean that content isn't available. I don't play sports games, I simply don't enjoy them, but I can't discount that obviously people must be buying them if so many of them are made.

That said, no, there are other

You may be highly surprised at the huge amount of pc content for japanese gaming. Now, if you want to say it's not in english, I'd agree.

I don't even know where to begin with this. I'm just going to leave it at informing you, that you're uninformed regarding both of those topics.

Sell out? Ok, I'll give you that. But desperate? I don't see that. Anything that I've seen Snoop be a part of, be it training day, music videos about True Blood or hot pocket music videos, he always seems to be enjoying what he's doing.