

Just because no one else wanted the starfish doesn't mean the guy with nothing will =P

MH is the only reason I've been tempted to buy a 3dsxl.

From everything I've read, there won't be a 3ds emu. I do emus as well, and I've looked into it pretty well.

I'm in the boat that I'd like it for Monster Hunter, but I reuse to play it on anything but a 3dsXL due to the higher quality of the resolution compared to the 2ds and 3ds.

But honestly, I won't be picking up a

Well, thankfully in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood has been oustedand it was made illegal to be associated with their party.

Completely side bared, but when I was in Libya visiting the old Roman ruins I was mortified to see that the reliefs all had the breasts and penises chiseled off due to the restrictive Muslim culture.

Really, NO ONE visits Libya to see the old roman ruins, even though a Roman ruler was Libyan by birth, and it was

I had no idea there was an iceman one, time to go watch it and disappoint myself.

That's largely what I'm getting at. I just can't see dropping $300 on something that'll take up space.

I responded to another fella, that clearly I'm not the target audience for this piece, but I'm still curious who is. $300 can go a LONG way in other hobbies, collecting just isn't one of mine. Or at least, not unless

I guess I view one as Icon for a generation of scifi movies, where the other was simply the best game of a year. Generally speaking, we want reminders of those Iconic moments in Media. I remember watching Alien and thinking that it was truly something special scifi wise. Where-as with Skyrim, it was a good gameand I

If you haven't watched his recent HBO special, it's worth viewing.

As Tyson points out, just months from his incident with Washington, he claimed she was raped by another man as well. It also didn't help that Don King hired a Tax Attorney to defend Tyson in a Rape Trial. Tyson had over 400 mill in the bank at that

I have hundreds of hours played, and still continue to download mods here and there that seem interesting. But I don't play the game regularly at all anymore. Maybe once every couple months.

So with that said; as a fan of the game, I couldn't imagine wanting to purchase merchandise regarding the game at this point.

I completely agree, but consider that you're responding on the internet to nerds on a gaming site.

Check the locales of some of the videos.

Having been to over 20 countries so far in my life, this type of behavior is typical regardless of where you go.

You simply sound like a bigot.

And no, I'm not an American being defensive ;)

And yet EA is voted the worst company in the US year after year.


Recently? AC4. The game play itself was great, if a tad repetitive; but that's to be said about ANY of the AC games, but the story was lacking. There are elements in the game that definitely hint that it wasn't finished. Interactable characters that you can't actually interact with, but have the hud key commands

A long time ago, in a University far far away... I had a gf who went to start her car which resulted in shrieking noises coming from her hood. Evidently a cat was sleeping inside the engine and got caught up in the belts. It was torn apart, and we had no option but to drive it to the auto repair place as it was.

Or his wife for that matter.

Oh, it likely is, I was just being snarky. There's no way I'd compare a game from 1993 to a modern aviation game if it was done well.

My fondness for AotP is pure nostalgia.

Better believe it. It was a bitch to handle, which is why making ace in one was so prized. Unfortunately, the Mustang was the all around better craft.

Phffft, that game has an ESRB rating, too new school for me. hahaha
MS-DOS days is where it's at. =P