
I'll be honest, I got the collector's edition. The reason I haven't tried it again as F2P is because of all of the limitations that were placed on a game that I was already supposed to have "special" access to.

I didn't say he took his father's armor. What I did say was that Fett had assembled a suit of Durasteel just like what his father used.

Don't get me wrong, I would have preferred KoToR 3 myself as well. It really isn't the same, as you said. But with the lack of good Star Wars games out there, I'll take a good story in a mediocre game to gain some closure =P Especially as it's F2P.

Not that I ever played it as F2P.....

Sure it does =) It provided us complete closure on Revan. Dislike the MMO all you want, but the stories in the game were quite good.

Erm, that "Revised Final" Boba Fett outfit sure does have a lack of Mandalorian armor. Even at this point and time Fett had assembled his Durasteel suit that we see in the movies, just like what his father used. Beskar might be rare due to Imperial strip mining, but making armor out of light weight steel was

He's far larger in my three foot tall memory. Besides, that flippy transformation head totally is worth more than the detail on the $800 one =D

Perhaps I'm dating myself here, but when I was a kid I had a Metal Optimus Prime toy as well. But that's because that's HOW IT CAME. Not only did he have an axe and a gun, he transformed, AND came with his big rig trailer that hitched onto his legs when transformed into vehicle mode.

So are people really paying $800

I haven't seen the blood raven picture either, which the captain in it has an interesting setup. Twin-linked wrist-mounted bolter, with a jump pack and a two-handed power sword that has a single blade and a HUGE hand guard. Captain's prerogative as to what wargear he uses, but I've never heard of that kind of sword :)

The situation where I used the term lucky, is when I'm approached one on one. If she was armed, obviously that's not the case =P

If she doesn't fit my specific criteria for attractiveness, it's still flattering to have someone walk up to me who seems interested. It's unfortunate that I won't reciprocate, but who

I can totally see that when you're working with those logistics. As a male walking down the street if a single female walks up to me I'd generally count myself as lucky =) Of course my initial train of thought is that she needs the time or directions. Where-as with my club scenario, I was always by myself while being

While I know I can't completely relate as a male, I have had situations where I felt hunted, or that I was a "target."

In my early 20's I did promotions for clubs and raves, one of the places that I spoke with talent managers was at a cliche named club called, "The Village." So while it was certainly flattering to

I always figured Wolverine had such a big following due to when he became popular. He screams greasy pony tail, three wolf moon, metal band fanboy. He's the "cool lone wolf on his iron horse, smoking a cigar," because that's what was the 80's. He reaches out to the metal band nerds who still think wearing

I would just like to say Thank You to those console players who are dealing with all of this bullshit, it will likely allow us PC gamers to have a smoother MP launch. You know, in addition to high res textures, modding, etc.

Cheers guys! :)

Watch at 35s in the water is falling straight down, and water is running off her chin, if you believe her hair isn't getting soaked through so be it.

Yes, but in this video she washes her hair with it in a tie, and proceeds to towel dry it still in the pony tail.

Agreed, $30 seems perfectly reasonable so long as it's a full expansion and not just a bloated DLC.

It's well done, but not surprising. 3D modeling always has an odd sheen to the lighting that's never quite right. The reflection on the eyes, lip gloss, or how evenly the old lady's skin is lit.

An anecdotal response that doesn't respond to the article or his comment. He's clearly stating that $30 is the standard, and the article is inferring that it's some how a "new high" that will prevent people from purchasing the expansion.

Agreed, this seems a bit sensationalized.

$30 for an expansion is expensive? I guess it all depends on how much content is provided.

Heart of the Swarm is STILL $30 for SC2.