I think you mean Tactical floatation device.
I think you mean Tactical floatation device.
That's a shame, the media I've seen for the game looked promising. Perhaps I'll find a Let's Play for the game and see what it's like in case it shows up on steam at a largely discounted price down the road.
You're being purposefully disingenuous. AAA titles that make up for most company's fiscal sales are set to the same standards. Pre-sales and first week or two.
Also, before it's implied, not all AAA titles are yearly franchises. Skyrim, Dishonored, Fallout games, Metro, Diablo, GTA, etc are all projected based on…
Nothing prevents it from being both. They aren't mutually exclusive. In factNintendo as a company has an extensive history of trying to keep things under wraps regarding games. Whether you personally view that as purely business planning or not, it clearly has the side effect on their fans of creating a mystique…
"stop taking everything so realistically, and seriously."
Indeed. Parody.
Impossible, I'm only one man. I can't reply to every thread regarding every game with obvious parody responses.
The vast majority of sales are within the first week. Enough so, the game companies barely bother with how well the game does beyond pre-sales andfirst week. If you don't pick it up initially, you're essentially a second class gamer when it comes to "intent" on their part.
And it's funny that people are complaining…
I was just waiting until someone made a shutdown response :D
Depending on the version of the game you get, you get it as a free DLC. It lands a Blimp in the city that you can fly around without having to "steal" something that flies. It's surprisingly fast, but if you haven't unlocked parachutes yet it's a bit cumbersome to logistically use it as a real form of transportation.
I have to question the ethics of this game. Where are her parents? Where is congress on this one? This game clearly is sending the wrong message to blind girls playing video games. Won't someone think of the blind children?
Yes yes, I'm a bad person.
Putting this here not to mock, but because it was the first thing that came to mind. Breaking habits are indeed hard to do, but it's three days, and you consciously know why you're avoiding the sites.
Yes, don't ship the games so early, because store employees who are contractually bound to not open games and sell them early might be complete morons and do so anyhow. Especially when it's to a friend, and they know exactly what they're doing.
Completely Nintendo's fault.
Don't be ridiculous, these stores are under contract to not open games and share the information contained within. The fact that someone deliberately ignored that isn't their fault. When a game that is this popular comes out, it's lucky that every store will have a good supply of the game, much less have them ahead of…
Wouldn't the best solution simply be to not visit those sites during those three days?
That's an apple and orange comparison. You're stating you don't know anything about a tv show you haven't watched because you've avoided the details about the show.
That isn't the same as the producers of the show preventing you from knowing what's going to happen to keep you guessing. Which they have done quite well…
That's a good strategy in theory, but look at the amount of people who complain in articles about the spoilers they contain, when they simply could have avoided the articles.
Then it just devolves into whether people deserve to have things spoiled if they can't stop themselves from reading articles about a game they…
Ha, that was well done. Didn't know about this comic.
What a fake. I AM willing to sell MY copy of GTA V for PC though, since I already beat it....
Indeed, the fact that some of them are listed as selling keys that are activatable on steam, when the game itself isn't on steam yet could really come back to bite the buyer on the ass if it never ends up on steam.
Following that "not on steam" link is hilarious. Almost all of the games listed as "not on steam" have an icon stating they are "Greenlit on Steam" or have a green key indicating that they are selling you a Key usable to activate the game....On Steam as soon as it's available...On Steam, meaning they are trying to, or…