
So in Sweden we have something called fil milk, pronounced like feel milk, which is sort of a unflavored runny pouring yogurt. Whenever someone is being the epitome of toolbag-ness, I picture slowly pouring an entire carton of fil over their head. Reading almost all of these stories and picturing myself as the server,

Okay, please don’t think I’m an asshole or someone who condones murder, but I don’t really see how this angle is shrugging off male violence in this particular story. The exorcism part seems pretty genuinely out of touch with the way ppl are supposed to process reality, in my opinion. Is the idea that he might have

This quote broke my heart. I know deep down I would never stop loving a close friend or family member who committed murder - I’d just have all these other emotions to wrestle with piled on top of it.

I love Little Mix and you sir or madam are giving me a Sad :(

I feel like she’s embraced a kind of objectification that’s offputting and weird and androgynous and makes old ppl angry, which is different from being ur-pop-star teen in a blond wig. But I admit I have a friend-crush on Miley which colors my reactions to everything she does, so idk maybe this is just wishful

Sprouse twins. Both super well adjusted. They are certainly the exception though, and not the rule.

I’m a fan of “All his teeth should fall out except one to make him suffer.” That’s some cold shit.

European Jews do not fuck around holy shit

Yo say it again for the people in the back

I have severe ADHD + a grab bag of symptoms from other learning disabilities, and I’m seriously tempted to start a reclaim retarded thing. Or maybe that’s already a thing. Anyway if you consider your condition a mental disability then we can be retarded together :)

I have two pretty strong opinions that apply in general but are also relevant here. The first is that there’s a special place in hell for people who “don’t like children” to the extent that they’ll be rude to or about children and/or parents for the inconvenience of their existence, and expect children to be miniature

Okay, maybe I’m an idiot, but — is the problem that it’s “frat party” as opposed to “greek life party” or something gender neutral, or is the problem that greek life and especially fraternities have been implicated in some questionable shit in the past few years?

Ah. So, now I think we’re talking about marriage with different cultural frameworks in mind. I don’t know where you are or what your culture is, but in my culture, monogamy as a tool of patriarchy has done a lot of lasting damage, and polygamy (specifically polygamy as opposed to polyamory) as a tool of patriarchy was

But monogamy can be (and often is) a tool of the patriarchal version of marriage. The motives for monogamy that you describe sound awesome, and I think that is why a lot of monogamous people choose to be monogamous, but that’s not the only context that monogamy has in society.

I think feminism is (in this sense at least) just about having options and feeling free to explore any of them. The problem isn’t monogamy, the problem is that monogamy is too often used as an excuse for terrified men to own women. It’s the same as the whole homemaker debate/non-debate - it isn’t inherently more

I too am a Mary Poppins.


“I’ve been working on improving my cooking skills for the past year. This resulted in a very tearful conversation with my husband, where I had to explain that if I was going to spend 8 hours in the kitchen making ravioli from scratch at his request, he could at least take a fucking bite before drowning it in Sriracha.”

My boyfriend is this person. I could eat lamb and steak completely raw if it was a little seasoned and came with rice - he wants everything he eats to be DEFINITELY DEAD. I judged him hard for the first year, but now I’m kind of used to it.