Crack, right?
Crack, right?
this picture is the gift that keeps on giving. i can not laugh at it everytime it gets posted or if there is a meme made from it.
cry more
Meme is a word that's been around since 1976. Apparently you were oblivous to the world then, too.
Let's see: a single point-of-view, logical fallacies, conflict of interest, cherry-picking of information....does Fox Sports get their training at Fox News?
With a face like that, how could he be a bully?
What I would give to have been a fly on the wall when the Genius at the Apple store showed Richie how to change the names of his contacts.
When I was a kid, when I was a little boy, I always wanted to be a dinosaur, I wanted to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex more than anything in the world, I made my arms short and I roamed the back yard, I chased the neighborhood cats, I growled and I roared, everybody knew me and was afraid of me, and one day my dad said…
"Fuck that guy. I know a push-up when I see one."
I just did one of these but instead of those boxes I had to use my couch. And instead of exerting physical effort, I took a nap.
I don't ...I can't even ...
Good to know there's a whole pack of martial arts trained rapists running around.
Not quite what I expect on Gizmodo, but a fascinating read nevertheless, thanks. The headlines, though, is pure Gizmodo. While technically accurate, it is misleading and designed to grab attention.
It’s a place where few living New Yorkers have ever set foot, but nearly a million dead ones reside: Hart Island,…
I just want to issue a big old Fuck You to all the adults in positions of authority who have enabled this to continue. The boys are at fault for sure, but you assholes could have put an end to this, and you did not. So, Fuck You.
Anymore I'm convinced that something majorly has gone wrong with raising kids. People tell me, "Oh every generation says that about the younger generations, but kids are kids."
It's like the Breakfast Club. Except with, you know, Teen Rapes.
When asked to name a saying he uses often, Hales responded, ''Go ahead, Call the cops, They can't un-rape you.''
Why can't they arrest any of them? They're bragging about it, ffs.