No, it was NOT her brother. Sorry to ruin YOUR narrative, bigot.
No, it was NOT her brother. Sorry to ruin YOUR narrative, bigot.
Every week it seems I’m more horrified by the people on this show who have to rely on a television program paying to diagnose and treat their gross medical issues than I am about the gross medical issues themselves. (Although, admittedly, the horn was particularly skeevy but fun to watch.)
Lifelong self-tanner here and you are 100% correct. Spray tans won’t leave you looking that orange but a for-shit quality self tanning cream applied sloppily surely will.
I’d like to say that maybe now, in 2019, Jackson’s crimes (and there have to be far more than these two as-yet-unknown victims) will finally get the scrutiny they deserve and he’ll be exposed for the monster he truly was instead of the poor fellow who “never had a childhood.” But I’m not gonna kid myself here: no one…
Please tell me that low-rise jeans are making their way back to retail. I look awful in mid- or high-rise jeans
Truth to power, fellow shorty. Ain’t no way I can wear high- or mid-rise jeans without the crotch sagging or making my ass look like a mobile billboard or making it appear as if I have no torso. The only low-risers I can find these days are made by G-star Raw and the Racer jean by Citizens of Humanity. From time to…
From what I’ve seen on Twitter, a bunch of people in the area had taken pictures of it when they saw it driving around (or parked, in one instance). It makes sense. I take pics of cars I see around my area with ridiculous bumper stickers, too, but I’ve never seen anything as insane as that guy’s mobile masturbatory…
I’ve been listening to ASMR videos before going to sleep and it has really helped me get some restful sleep! There’s a YouTuber named Caroline who makes great videos. I don’t usually watch for longer than 30 seconds or so but I find I get maximum effect when listening with ear buds.
Not only that, the piece itself had to weigh a ton what with all the shredding apparatus concealed behind the frame. There’s no way Sotheby’s (and the “buyer”) wasn’t fully in on this bit of heavy-handed nonsense.
I have been looking for this for years! Thank you for doing the lord’s work, Rich.
I worked for J Crew (corporate) in the early 90s. Their clothes USED to be very high quality. I still own sweaters and jackets from my time with them, and they look like new. High quality fabrics well sewn.
Cute kicks but, my god, her feet look like gunboats in them—which will only mean they’ll look like cruise ships on mine.
Basically, I think she had her philtrum shortened, which involves cutting a slice off the top part and re-sewing the shortened philtrum to the bottom of the nostrils. It’s the only thing that would have given her more meat on her upper lip without creating more of a complete duck-lip-look.
I thank and curse you for that link.
I have a pair of Christian Louboutin similarly high-heeled boots. They are *beyond* uncomfortable—they’re downright painful. They look gorgeous on though.
True fact. I get spray tanned every week — and have done so for years. Never, ever did I wind up looking like Agent Orange. Not to mention, there are no goggles involved in spray tans.
HAHAHA! Right?! TLC should totally only be producing shows for your generation and the rest of us olds should just sit in a fucking chair in the corner hallucinating reruns of the Brady Bunch while thanking our lucky stars you “young ‘uns” are still generous enough to let us even breathe the same air you do.
Thank you for posting that. As soon as I saw the picture of him just casually relaxing on a gurney with a vape pen clutched in his hand, I knew there was no “stabbing.” Additional evidence: no blood anywhere. Final evidence: not in emergency surgery.
McDougal is suing American Media Inc., owners of the National Enquirer, to be released from a contract she claims sold away her rights to tell her story.