
This is your friendly reminder that youtube comparison videos are not an accurate representation of a game running live or even captured with less video compression/higher bitrate. Also, nitpicking about this stuff is silly. Games look better on the new consoles compared to last gen and the same games will (usually)

I mean the PS4 got Towerfall Assention, I think last month, that game is amazing! Also fez and some other game this month, I admit it is a little lame but Sony said that we would start seeing full games soon with PS+.

I have to say I like the Moto X. I've gone through the Motorola Atrix, Nexus, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy and the Moto X has kept me longer than any of them. I hope the new one improves on some of the few glitches I've found, but I'd still recommend the Moto X to anyone that's looking for a powerful and great sized phone

Lol, that's not what I meant. I love my current games and the upcoming line up. What I was referring to was the dearth of ps plus content for the ps4. The ps3 gets multiple free and discounted games a month. The ps4 gets... nothing...

I just wish they would actually make their winter line available at retail. Honestly I am tired of having to do battle with my tailor over the proper dimensions of the sleeves.

It would explain the choice of fruit on the icon.

"The white people on Twitter are fucking idiots."

How is "The white people on Twitter are fucking idiots." news to anyone? (Full disclosure: I am the whitest guy on Earth, and this is my Twitter account.)

Ninja stole my fruit tree!

This puts a whole new spin on Fruit Ninja...

So, if this is bothering them, how pissed must they have been about the recent Michael Bay "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" abomination?

This. It's annoying when people try to block me from merging into a crowded highway, as if not letting me get in front of them is saving them so much time.

To be fair, that is a fucking hard game to go back to after playing modern fps.

Getting to see this happen; The real winners are us.

Look at a picture of the least fit Formula driver (good luck, there are no unfit Formula One drivers)

Pretty much agree. I still think it's an impressive talent (in my experience, many who take the "golf is a sport" side seem to think the other side is trying to devalue the accomplishment of being good at it), but to see it ahead of the likes of figure skating, surfing, diving, or gymnastics, just to name a few, is

Golf is not a sport. It's a skill. Add a time element or defense and it might be a sport.

Once all cars on the road are autonomous, there would be little reason to keep the speed limit at their current standards and will most likely be raised quite a bit; those limits are set as they are because (a) it is assumed the people, on average, will be driving slightly faster than posted, and (more importantly)

I think a Kirby clothing line would match my body type.

You mean I can have all the chocolate taste with none of the Calories?!!!! *Looks at back of Nutella*

OH! No..... no I can not....... what is the point of this?