
I've been saying it for years, Metal Gear 1 and 2 deserve the Solid treatment.

The setup isn't so interesting, as he points out in the beginning, be precise and spend that extra time make sure everything is aligned for every shot. So using guidance lines is a good place to start.

I am starting to think, that this post is built in to the structure of Kinja it self.

the guy is obviously an idiot, blind too, some people lose all rational thought processes if the article pertains to Apple

Blah blah blah blah. This is /stupid/ ass parenting. You think that your kids are pissed off at you? Start fucking with their stuff.

Thank you Tyler Durden.

I've never been "bitten" so far, unless you mean saving hundreds of dollars is being bitten.

It's mostly because orca whales are so damn intelligent. Generally, most people don't really fret about keeping animals locked up, particularly if they're well treated and fed, and given a reasonably good environment to exist in.

No it is way harder for someone to hack into your land and if someone hacks into your bank the FDIC makes sure you get $100,000 back for each account. People keep getting screwed over by Bitcoin. So no bitcoin is stupid.

Try as they might, video game publishers can't just throw money at a game to make it better.

People haven't learned after MTGOX and others have stolen hundreds of millions libertariantards are not that intelligent

Sharp contrast to Silent Hill 2. The first time I saw Pyramid Head from the closet, I said, "I don't need this," and sold the game.

I absolutely love the idea behind this. It's a fantastic way to announce and tease a game. That said, I actually got kind of bored playing the demo. There was certainly some great creepy material to be had, but mechanically I quickly got tired of trying to figure out what completely random thing I had to do next to

Fullmetal Alchemist being one of my favorite anime and Bravely Default being one of my favorites JRPGs, I would absolutely LOVE this.

haha. Yeah, 3/4 of the teaser is pretty straightforward and scary, but the last 1/4 is easily frustrating in its random madness. It was clearly designed for people to be able to enjoy a bit and then have to virally figure out the solutions through crazy people trying everything and letting others know.

I've seen the balcony ghost on my first playthrough and it terrified the living shit out of me. It pretty much neutered my desire to use the camera to look up.

Holy crapp I want the full movie. I want that entire game turned into a 2 hour cgi event made by those people. Please, wealthy companies. Make it happen.

you're right, they x1 looks like a 1983 VCR, what were they thinking? lol

Or, you could wait for him to get halfway through the battle and just take control back and beat it yourself. Then always bring up how amazing it was that you beat it but he didn't.

Well, it used to be... briefly. Now I just work out a lot and get three square on the government's dime for the next 5 to 10 years.