
Gizmodo never hated on the Lumia phones or the Moto X, and both of those had plastic bodies. The difference is that Samsung has that really thin removable back panel and the tacky plastic ring around the bezel that's disguised to look metal.

There's almost zero likelihood that's the car's owner, it's likely either a pre-production car testing something, or possibly a dealership car doing God knows what. The Huracan driver is 100% responsible for any potential danger by trying to drive like a psycho to avoid having the car recorded, then continued to

I'd say blocking someone in and reaching/swatting into their car might qualify for some charges. Assault, false imprisonment/unlawful detainment, etc.

Upwards of 70mph? Ever been to Floriduh? Set the cruise to 85 and be passed by 85% of cars. Driving fast there isn't the insane crime against humanity some here make it to be.

You are incorrect, what they did was extremely relevant. While what the videographer did was annoying, and probably unsafe, but it wasn't illegal (in the US.) Calling in help that isn't a police officer with the intent of illegally detaining and then assaulting the driver in the other car is illegal. If they can be

Voyeurism requires a sexual component and involves violating some implied or assumed right to privacy.

Please send me a links to the laws the photographer has broken and the violations he's commited that make the Huracan/A8 drivers' response suitable for the situation.

If that fat guy was Jason Statham, then I'm George Clooney.

or this.

Ok I'm putting this out there... I'm 100% believe that there will be an end boss fight where you fight Kevin spacey... But he's in a mech.

You cannot be serious.

Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

Luxury brands appeal to consumers by selling them an image of what they'd like to be. The salesperson doesn't think you fit the image. Now you absolutely have to have it! You'll show them! And you'll feel awesome about it until halfway during the drive home you realize you just spent $500 on a pair of socks.

Not really. Graphic design and film editor here; if we're given a job and a bunch of assets, it helps if those assets are in the highest uncompressed lossless quality possible. The better the source material, the easier it is for us to work with it. If I were working visual marketing for this game (posters, logos,

Try telling that to professional/amateur photographer and you will make them cry. I mean, you're already making us normal people hurt with your blindness.

Hmmm, kinda pointless to make screenshots of 8k when most people (like myself) can't even see 4k because of our 1080p monitors. Lots of details loss in translation and stuff.

What if Chad knows that you know he knows about the study?

Because it resembles Crysis more than Titanfall?