
For some reason, while the text of the link is for youtube, the link itself sends me to the earlier Kotaku article about the LEGO Movie.

I think their next hand held will be able to dock to a TV to become a home console as well.

I think they should make a beefy handheld with a wireless hdmi dongle and sensor bar so you can stream to the tv and still do MP with wii remotes. It'd be like a cross between the 3DS and the WiiU pad. Then they can have the strengths of both and make one product for everyone.

"Coal and nuclear plants are being shut down due to environmental concerns"

I think he's using bite on a geodude. It's not very effective.

Dude already got pranked hard by his barber...

Definitely an ambitious undertaking. I saw these at the Dallas Cars and Coffee this last time. And did not mean to post the same one twice...

It's pretty clear that you're a fucking moron.

Here's your instant loophole:

Yeah, why hasn't this happened yet? It totally needs to. 10/10 would do burnouts in.

Non-GT3 owners are pissed off, too. Pissed off that we don't have a GT3 to be pissed off about! There's no difference. The reason Netflix is paying Comcast is to "avoid low priority". Netflix traffic was slowing down big time on Comcast's network, so they "avoided low priority" by paying Comcast. It's the same thing.

Like me, as I sit here maxing games on my PC while also playing Second Son on my PS4 and DR3 on my Xbox One.

Most likely Mac and Linux users

And if they say "Second Son looks average by PC standards" they'll all be lying, or too dumb to realize the truth.

I played the whole thing and thought the second half was brutal. Returning to the separate areas and collecting things was just not doing it for me.

Posting it three times doesn't make it true. Sony has 10 times the assets Nintendo has.

Well everyone's entitled to their opinion, even when it's terribly wrong. If anything, Zelda could use a change, but to kill one of the franchises that not only gave shape to a whole genre, but continue to deliver quality titles, would be a horrible horrible mistake.

I still dream of SONY buying Nintendo.

It's an advanced theoretical system called Schrodinger's drivetrain. It is both 4wd and not-4wd simultaneously, with the number of wheels being driven being a hypothetical condition dependent on the outcome of a previous random event. In this case, unfortunately, that random event is "the vehicle was built by