
That isn't even close to being related.

I kind of wish radio stations could be fined for airing car horn sounds. Multiple times that has really made me jump while driving in traffic.

I don't see how being woken up at 3 AM for something I can do nothing about is going to help anyone.

It's not a fucking folio. And it's not leather. It's fake leather. It's cheap. And it's corny.

Body material counts as hardware. I just don't get their love for plastic in phones

Samsung stuff always has monster specs

Objectively better? The A7 chip is very competitive with anything Samsung currently has available in their devices.

The majority of android users are in high school. Not exactly Volvo's demographic.

Don't watch this video, seriously. The stupidity and annoying voice might kill you. I'm barely alive and I couldn't even finish the video.

I was under the impression that nothing carried over. Interesting.

Facebook is basically idiot crowdsourcing-the best way to get the worst ideas as fast as possible. Twitter and Google+ come in 2nd and 3rd respectively but they're getting there...

Tumblr is next in line since I saw this on there as well

Yeah I tried to beat it twice but it just feels dead and is nowhere near as immersive as the first two.

Oh god, I could write an entire essay on how Fable 3 was a disappointment but I'll limit myself to the Cliffsnotes version.

The 3DS couldn't be at a higher point in its life cycle than it is right now. With staples like Marioland 3D, Pokemon X and Y, and other series like Monster Hunter and Fire Emblem making a very strong and very appealing entry onto the device, there are lots of games to choose from. If you look on the eShop as well,

Don't worry, you're not missing anything. Foodbeast's videos are hideously inaccurate. Go rent Jiro Dreams of Sushi instead.

Pen is an excellent artist. He draws fluidly, quickly, efficiently. He has ingenious design sense and his drawings tell stories elegantly. You most certainly get a fascinating view into how he thinks by looking at his drawings, but he draws to get emotions and comedy across, not to lay down layers and layers of

I thought it was cool before but after my 'tour', the Estoque is the prettiest 4-door automobile I have ever seen. I can't believe it looks that good.

Until you've worked in phone tech support you have no valid opinion on how stupid people can be (not just women). I never once, in 7 years of doing tech support over the phone, felt that women were any more stupid than men on the phone with their computer problems. Good customers will listen and do exactly what you