
Just like my home appliances. I need to whisper all the time or the NSA and Illuminati will hear me through my stove.

Or the Puu. Like the Wii, only number 2.

One of my favorite features of the gamecube controlled Pikmin was using the c-stick to do small directional movements and push them into carrying things without having to throw them. Is there still a way to do that with the new controller layouts?

I understand that when I read it. I think the difference between the groups is simply a red herring. I'd like to see them run this test multiple times to see the outcome.

That's not a good comparison. If you offer someone fast food right now or a home-cooked meal right now, which people would go for isn't as clear cut. I'd take the home-cooked meal any day of the week if both are sitting in front of me. The usual choice is fast food now or a home-cooked meal after a few hours of

Sorry, but this is a load of wank. Unless you are testing on actual dev hardware with the proper OS and drivers this is just hit bait.

They don't even have to win the lawsuit - just the costs of going to court, hiring lawyers, and presenting the case are often threat enough to make smaller companies back down. It might cost the "Bangs with friends" people more money to fight and win the lawsuit than it's worth, from a financial standpoint. The

A story about one e-cig exploding and harming one guy does not compare to the tens of thousands that die from smoking related diseases - including cancer - each year. I never claimed e-cigs to be healthy and would never recommended a non smoker to start using them. However it would be a good idea for a current smoker

It's not like smoking is going to kill him though.

In their defense, they haven't built a phone or laptop or tablet capable of providing a good web browsing experience for a few years that people actually bought.

There is no way Wayne Manor only cost 444,000. I've seen houses five times SMALLER than it go for a million. Hell, I've seen some houses ten times or more smaller than it go for a million depending on location.

Exactly! And when it comes to chips, I'll prefer a unique flavor to a safe one 9 times out of 10.

Meh. Wake me when EA dusts off Mutant League Football.

I liked the Chicken & Waffle chips the best of these 3 (and apparently I'm in the minority, judging from these comments). I'd probably put Sriracha 2nd, but they didn't have the sweet chili taste like sriracha, just kind of a hot chip.

I recommend getting the game on the platform that your friends have. That's my only reasoning when purchasing a multiplatform game with multiplayer elements.

Motorbikes!!! yay!!! Hope they handle better, not as shitty as GTA IV.

I've yet to find a GPS (app) that will tell me a place to eat along my route without sending my 5 miles off the highway or BEHIND me. I'd like to tell my GPS "Hey, give me food options that are easy-off-easy-on and right off the highway without turning around" and have it actually tell me.

If you mean black magic because it's a fucking curse to work with, yes, Siri got that wrong.

First off just because its your field doesnt make you competent, and there is no degree in video burning sorry.

You have an interesting incoherency when writing. Is that an artistic thing or some type of psychological disorder? Why say old new Xbox 360, we know you are referring to the Xbox 360 and not the Xbox One so why not just say "the new version" or the "latest Xbox 360" or even "new Xbox 360" if I have read correctly