
Yeah. 3D is cool when done right (which it rarely is) but that's all it is: cool. It's not been used in a way that's useful or gives you something that 2D can't deliver. It's a "cool, this has 3D", not "this has to have 3D" thing. I'm really sorry I jumped on the 3D bandwagon and got a 3D HDTV. I could've saved about

Best game they showed really.

I'm fine with James being on the cover, but that's a pretty horrible design. It looks like he is flopping backwards. Is flopping the new feature or something?

I honestly think its for diffrent reasons though.

While I'll admit that I love David Hayter as Snake, I can imagine Keifer Sutherland doing great in the role. I just can't get upset about this. Sure it could turn out to be horrible and I imagine tyere will be a portion of fans who'll hate Keifer in the role no matter how well he does. I guess Keifer just seems

Yeah, I couldn't get very far. Even got bored skipping ahead. It was awful.

Jeepers, that video is hard to watch. Big and bloated like the retail debacle it's trying to show you. Just me?

Off topic but perhaps relevant, as it deals with the economics of preparing and releasing two formats of media.

If I'm making chili as a standalone dish, I put beans in it (usually black beans). If I'm buying canned chili to put on chili dogs, absolutely no beans allowed.

While we're on the subject of Finder, check out XtraFinder to add a tabbed interface and bunch more...for free.

The amount we will have to pay in the future is directly proportional to the amount that they discover that we will pay now. Don't pay for this content.