
I’ll be more impressed when I see him turn I to a morph ball.

I have never seen someone cross a word out with an X, they either do a strike through or they scribble the entire word out. 

Wind Waker needs to be released, I will totally buy that game again. I have it on GameCube and WiiU but I would totally buy it on Switch. 

I picked up Star Fox Zero from five below for $5 and haven’t even opened it yet.

These seem Ike the typical complaints about every game in this genre. Maybe it isn’t the games themselves but the entire genre that is flawed and broken. Borderlands is the only franchise that seems to have it right, and that is because they made a good game then made a way for you to play with friends. You can solo

And then Disney can just release a Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar, Animation, or Avatar movie the same day as every major Sony movie release, and see how low they are willing to sell their movie rights for. Other than Spider-man the only other current franchise Sony has is Jumanji. Ghostbusters flopped, MiB flopped... um...

They were basically a Sony Second Party besides sunset overdrive. 

Office works great on Mac. 

Oddly enough last time I left Walmart I had a huge urge to eat some mushrooms and get huge then jump on turtles and crush them to death. It was the strangest urge, I don’t know what came over me.

This is about people in power killing civilians, vs. uneducated youths killing each other, it isn’t the same at all. The people you rely on to bring order are out there causing harm. I don’t get how you don’t see that. Take race out of the equation and you might see it more clearly. 

That was the dumbest thing I have read in a long time.

Socialism instead of Capitalism, it isn’t profitable to treat mental health. Schools here only teach enough to create a profitable workforce. 

The stats are NOT heavily borrowed from real world counterparts. They are just made up because the gun itself doesn’t change how a bullet works. A 9mm round will do just as much damage as any 9mm round. The only difference is reliability, weight, trigger feel, size. Yes some guns are more accurate but not by a

All of the Walmart’s I have ever been to sell guns and still do. It is definitely a smaller section than it used to be, but it is still there. It is mostly ammo and a handful of shotguns and black powder rifles. 

They sell people at Walmart? I thought that was illegal. 

Knowing how movies are made, they probably made him throw it like that for blocking reasons, or that was like the 37th take and he just didn’t care anymore, or even they didn’t want him throwing the ball very far because of what is behind the camera, or some producer told him to throw it like that because that is how

I am fine with lootboxes if they are earned in a game, but if you pay for it with money you should be able to buy exactly what you want.

A C+ is far too generous. I would give it an F. There was nothing redeemable about it, I have had frozen tacos that are WAY better. 

Nah saying the ‘19’s are the best is the “wrongest” thing you could say. Granted they are the most comfortable, they are also the ugliest. But once you go primeknit you can’t go back. 

The 4.0 is by far the best Ultraboost that is where your article falls apart.