
Game price doesn’t need to go up, making game price go up only gives the CEOs and executives more money, it won’t change a damn thing for the developers. We need regulation and oversight for the industry as a whole.

Complexity was added. Honestly 360 and xbone controllers don’t last very long either, OG Xbox Controller still works though. The DS4 is pretty good but I wore 2 of them out playing Overwatch, that is probably my fault, I never had a PS3 controller break on me, I lost one PS2 controller when moving and have one that

This isn’t a glitch this is a selling point.

I think the $60 price has nothing to do with the video game industry and far more to do with the US economy as a whole. Wages in the US have stagnated for decades and disposable income has never been less. Video games have to sell for $60 if they raise their price they will sell far fewer copies when the games launch

I bet they launch together or at least close to the same time. 

To be honest this is the number one thing I wanted in a new Switch. I got my Tax return this year and decided I would finally get one, but rumors of new models made me wait. Now with this announcement and the Lite announcement it doesn’t look like a Pro version will be coming in the near future. So I will pick this

I would say this just means we won’t get one this year, not that we aren’t getting one. I would bet next year or the year after we will see a “Pro” model. 

The GoT Ultraboost were the same price as any regular Ultraboost. All Ultraboost are $180 unless you find them on sale.

Fair enough. I totally understand especially since the Duelshock 4 constantly goes on sale for less than $40 and has a lot of tech inside. Touchpad, dual rumble motors, speaker, headphone jack, led bar, analogue triggers, rechargeable battery, for half the price of joycons. 

They are $60 right now on Prime Day discount... if that helps. 

I think most people are disappointed the Pro wasn’t announced with this announcement. I am in this group, I was waiting for a switch since I didn’t have the money for one when they came out, now I have he money for one but rumors of a Pro Model have been keeping me from buying one. 

Not even more fluids just stop drinking so much Mtn. Dew or other bright yellow drinks. 

I got the Alienware 17r4 about a year and a half ago and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. The build quality is fantastic, it is super powerful, I can run any game at ultra spec 1440p at close to 60fps. It has a 7700HQ, a 1070, and a 120Hz 1440p monitor.

I got the Alienware 17r4 about a year and a half ago and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. The build quality

This is because gender is almost binary. Yes there are some people who are born with rare conditions where they are both or neither, but that is very few. Biologically 99.9% of people are male or female regardless of what they identify as. And medically and legally they should be those things.

They have flamethrowers in Westeros? 

I don’t think I could handle that job.

Seriously there are thousands of Steve’s in the world, you don’t need to put it on anything, you aren’t special, the name Steve isn’t special, writing Steve on something doesn’t magically make that thing yours. Even if you are in the camp of, it proves I was here. No it doesn’t, remember when I said there were

The laws in the US are tricky as well, because places like Disney World are private but under photography laws they are treated as public places.

I picked this up yesterday thanks to you guys. My G502 has served me well but my cats have played with the wire far too long and it is fraying pretty bad at this point. I am super happy to be going wireless. 

I picked this up yesterday thanks to you guys. My G502 has served me well but my cats have played with the wire far