Damn, I only ever saw a few of his videos, but knowing what has been happening recently this is really sad.
Damn, I only ever saw a few of his videos, but knowing what has been happening recently this is really sad.
Every Penny? Someone needs to tell Phil Knight
Honestly they are Jedi, every fight against clone/stormtroopers should feel like it is too easy. You should feel overpowered until you run into an actual threat like a Sith.Let Bancorp make a Clone Wars based Dynasty Warriors game, I would buy it.
PC Engine emulation is a pain in the ass, the carts are fine but any CD Drive game sucks balls to try to get running correctly.
Add BoxyBoy, Tricky Kick, and Fantasy Zone and I am sold.
Windows PCs have a really hard time running older applications. Windows XP games are a nightmare to run, Fable 3 that came out on Vista can not run at all on new computers, and hell Gears of War 4 that came out on Windows 10 has a hard time running on the newest Windows 10 updates, it crashes constantly on all modern…
This please, even if it is just a remake of the original games.
Oh okay that does seem true. My One S is really quiet and has lasted longer than six months, that is more than I can say of any of my original Elite 360s. Also the controller is far better as well, the sticks don’t drift nearly as bad, I haven’t had any battery issues, and all of my buttons still work, I couldn’t say…
Except it wasn’t really solid hardware until the X came out. It cost more and was less powerful the the PS4 for a long time. The S and X really helped them a lot. Microsoft really messed up this generation.
Microsoft has never sold a console at a loss, neither has Nintendo, the PS3 is one of the only examples of this strategy.
You can’t rent out Disney Passes, you have to present ID. A lot of the hotels here will give you discounted tickets because they get them for promotional use. Any of the discount kiosks basically just get you normal price tickets that you an get from Disney themselves. Also fast passes come with every ticket, everyone…
Ok, and VR is still like a newborn in the tech realm.
I am totally down for Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2... though I am not sure how you can make a sequel to Overwatch, add a full co-op campaign? Nah I better not get my hopes up.
PS3 had some awesome games when it came out, Ridge Racer, Resistance, some jack and slash Dynasty Warriors style game that wasn’t actually dynasty warriors, Madden. It was a decent launch, unfortunately the 360 had an entire year on the market to build a back catalogue at that point.
I think that just means you don’t get any games but if you buy the new Assassin’s Creed you can play it with no monthly fee... after you buy their controller and a chromecast.
My One S does indeed output 4K HDR (but it only renders at 1080p), came with Minecraft and a bunch of DLC, 1 month of Xbox Live Gold, and 1 Month of Game Pass. Black Friday price of $140. And there is Zero input lag on an Xbox.
I got my Xbox One S Minecraft bundle on Black Friday for $140.
I have a chrome cast and if I could hook up a PS4 or Xbox one controller to try this out I would, but since I have to buy a $70 controller just to see if this would even work there is a zero percent chance I will even try it.
I’m not worried about blurry ness, I am worried about input lag. There is no way this works well.