
I wrestled in Ohio, and there is a rule that your hair can’t be so long or else you do have to forfeit the match. But if the ref is racist fuck that guy for that and not for upholding a rule. And if this isn’t a rule in Jersey then double fuck this ref.

I just picked up the Overcooked and Overcooked 2 bundle on the Steam Sale for $20. I have been having a lot of fun with it. 

I just picked up the Overcooked and Overcooked 2 bundle on the Steam Sale for $20. I have been having a lot of fun

That mousepad looks really small and cumbersome. I hope it comes out further than it is shown in the image. 

Meh, a mechanical keyboard is about $130 and a wireless gaming mouse is about $100 add in the extra features like the integrated mouse pad and dedicated Xbox button. The price makes sense. 

That isn’t anectodal, there are tons of people who post SFW content that is getting flagged. Most of the users that post regularly have something that is getting removed.

TBH when they mentioned a Walking Dead game in the article I kind of thought that is what they were talking about. Then I realized it was a new game. 

I see that now. 

They actually changed it now so that horse insurance is just $125. I got it on my PlayStation Arabian horse. I don’t think I’ll nees another horse from now on.

You aren’t missing anything. These games are merely tech demos dressed up as a game. They are just meant to show off how good you can get the unreal engine to look on mobile. And now they have Fortnite to do that. 

No, they were basically fruit ninja in a more complicated way. They did look amazing for their time. 

Maybe it is actually an elbow pedal in disguise.

I can’t wait for RDO role play servers. It is going to be amazing. 

Day 1 I got griefed a lot, but after that I haven’t really experienced it all that much.

So they didn’t change the price of Horse Insurance? That is just stupid. That is the biggest issue with the online right now. Everyone just instantly kills your horse, there is no point in even trying to get a new horse right now. 

The Chronicles of Riddick was such a good game, and Brothers was also pretty good, this is a shame.

Is this really the easier method or would it be cheaper for Musk to just buy Chrysler and use them to build cars cheaper?

Nah, he isn’t grumpy at all. He is tough and grizzled but he always does the right thing especially in the dialogue sections. So when you choose the honorable options he is just a reluctant hero. He knows it will be a hassle but he knows he needs to do the right thing, as far as his personal code goes. 

I got the Xbox One S on Black Friday and it didn’t come with any headset, and it came with Minecraft, not a game as awesome as Spider-Man. But the important thing for me was that it does have a 4K bluray drive, also the controller works great on my PC. 

Thanks for the heads up my plus was about to auto-renew in 2 days, you just saved me $20.

Thanks for the heads up my plus was about to auto-renew in 2 days, you just saved me $20.

If the PS5 doesn’t have BC, the PS4 is basically an X86 box the PS5 could very easily run older games, and with how they made the PS4 Pro, the PS5 might even be able to run PS4 games better than a PS4. But this is just speculation.