
Lmao, I have done that a couple times as well. The horse controls are a little awkward. When aiming behind you sometimes the horse seems to follow the road and sometimes they run head first into the nearest tree. Also aiming while also having to tap X with the same thumb, to keep your horse running, is kind of weird

I have actually had a few different versions of DS4Windows. The one I have now is the only one that lets me use motion controls in Cemu, so I can play my Wii U games in 4K. Also to have Hyrule Warriors run at a decent frame rate in multiplayer. It is pretty bad on the actual Wii U, just multiplayer though single

It seems others have found the meeting at the same location. I wonder if there is like a hidden days of the week cycle in the game, or if you can miss certain things if you aren’t around. This game is so huge, I don’t even know. 

Yeah it is. 


Not for me, the guy who caught himself on fire ran directly into him and set him on fire as well and they both died.

That has the word Xtreme in it, I must have it!

Microsoft will find a way to make the name more confusing than the Two XX, they will call the next Xbox: the Xbox X360, then the Xbox X360s and Xbox X360x will be the refreshes. MS needs to make the naming as confusing as possible, it is just in their DNA. They have to confuse every ignorant parent out there. 

This thing seems to start at $65 so it isn’t that bad of an analogy. 

Why is Cooler Master kickstarting something? Seriously have we lost the entire reason for the website? Major corperations shouldn’t be doing this. 

You really couldn’t figure it out? Wow!

To be fair the Sims games feel like full games before you get any expansions. Destiny feels like part of a game without expansions. Also like it is part of an insanely boring, grindy, repetitive game with barely any story in the game. And you have to go to a website outside of the game and read about the lore... yeah

I found a KKK meeting in the woods, it is actually pretty close to where your hand hideout is when you are near Rhodes.

As far as open world games go I played AC Origins earlier this year, and I am glad I played FFXV after that and before I started RDR2. They are very similar in their open world design, and they are both slow paced games, but RDR2 is a little slower. 

I die so often because you can’t just pull L2 to pull your gun out, you have to equip it with L1 then aim with L2 and shoot with R2, and sometimes you press R2 to shoot and keep pressing it to shoot and others I have to press it to shoot then press it to cock my weapon then press it a third time to shoot.

I have had some prompts that pop up so fast I could only read the first line then it disappeared. And unlike GTA there is no menu option to view old pop ups. 

Actually the Cinematic camera is huge I. This game since Arthur will ride directly to your destination without you touching anything as long as you enable the cinematic view while riding. He will follow paths and everything. So you can set a waypoint ride to the neerest road then hit the cinematic camera button and he

Reading his name as Mike sounds so wrong. 

No, it isn’t the same at all. If you can’t see that you are lacking some serious cognitive activity. Kind of like the more they showed of No Man’s Sky the more you could tell that it wasn’t going to be what they promised. Just pay attention to the marketing, you can tell if a game will be good or bad before launch. It

SotN, Jetmodo, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Gran Turismo, Spyro, Crash Team Racing, NFL Blitz, 3Xtreme, Um Jammer Lammy.