
But it turns out that Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most well received games of all time... so no, just a bunch of dumbasses who actually thought Spore would be good.

Nah, the article that he was paid to write is actually well written. The comment in the comments section that is NOT required is bullshit. 

No, they are the regular neon switches but they come with a voucher for Nintendo Fortnite skins.

Tbh, the S dropped to $180 last Black Friday, and every store had a ton of them. I would wait to see what holiday deals here are. Also the S doesn’t play games at 4K, it plays them at the same 900p the regular One plays them at but the UI is at 4K also it has a 4K Blu-ray player. 

It is a very fun sounding language. I do hate conjugating though, also I hate masculine and feminine words it is just added complication. Also I wonder if Spanish sounds fun because I mostly associate it with music, tequila, and Spanish/Mexican food.

If you really believed Spore was going to be good that is all your fault. 

Your $0.02 is worth $0.

I have the problem that my GF wants to play games and then I will buy a game she wants to play, then she will never play it. 

Yeah they did. And it was awesome. You had 4 other players running with Wiimotes to collect candy and drop it off at a select location. Then you had the player with the game pad who would control 2 police dogs, one with each stick, at the same time, and had to catch all the other players 3 times. The more candy you

I actually had more fun with 4 than either 3 or NV. But I have enjoyed them all. 76 looks like destiny to me, where it will be fun for the first few weeks when your friends are still playing it then it will get really boring. Also 76 isn’t part of the mainline series. 

It is just a remake though. 

I think he is saying Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is really similar to Origins, Call of Duty is the same every year, Pokémon is a remake of Yellow this year. If he only has a PC he can’t even play Spider-Man, Smash Bros., or Red Dead Redemption 2. There is no new original game this year. This year as a whole, if you don’t

...and the second should be Spanish, or Cherokee. Seriously a quarter of me stole their land, the other quarter had my land stolen, and the last half was still in Italy.

Yeah, what is even weirder is that WV is a really small state, but if you travel through Charleston they just have a Southern Accent with a few funny words thrown in, but if you stop for gas in one of those coal mining towns, man, IDK what they are speaking.

I really want her to come to Miami. Her head would explode. 

Or you determine that a game is worth $60 to play now an not wait, then don’t complain when the game drops in price. Both of the other Tomb Raider games dropped in price quickly after release. I got the first rebooted TR game for like $20 about 2 months after it launched, and I got Rise for about $35 about 3 weeks

I think most people would rightly assume a game won’t be going on sale for at least multiple months after release, therefore the decision between price and immediacy comes down to a timespan of months.

I tried using DS4Windows and still couldn’t get it to work. I guess I’ll try configuring the settings better. 

Do you think kids would still think their warriors are as cool if they knew that every person “krhull the great” killed protecting their tribe was in turn somedy else’s cool warrior, with a familly and friends who he was attempting to protect?

You obviously know nothing about how the law works. You are confusing I.P. law and Copyright. And yes people commenting here do seem to be ignorant...