Apple sells over 100 million phones per year, Xbox hit a third of that number in 4 years.
Apple sells over 100 million phones per year, Xbox hit a third of that number in 4 years.
I bought like 5 of a wine because it was on sale, it was really good but the last bottle was corked and so dissapointing.
I bought like 5 of a wine because it was on sale, it was really good but the last bottle was corked and so…
This is 100% true. I recently had a blueberry wine with a screw on top and it was fantastic. It was dry but sweet, man so good. I have also had garbage corked wines. And vice-versa.
This is 100% true. I recently had a blueberry wine with a screw on top and it was fantastic. It was dry but sweet,…
And less Microsoft Store...
This is his own fault. He made a bad business decision now he has to live with it. It does suck for him, but I bet the games have boosted the sales of his mediocre book series for years as well.
It’s my second favorite, behind Wind Waker. Only because I love Toon Link so much, he has so much character and personality especially for a character you never hear say a word.
I hope there is some kind of Alignment system, and house sorting. This has so much potential to be good or terrible.
I though Fantastic Beast has amazing Art Direction, the world was great, and I liked the characters as well, but it was too formulaic and a the story kind of sucked except for the Flash’s roll.
If you liked the trailer the HP books are fantastic. The movies are kind of lackluster, and to get the full movie experience you do need to have read the books.
The X1 controller is skinnier and the button placement is far closer together. Just because it is fatter and uses more plastic doesn’t mean it is actually bigger.
They are all basically the same size and shape. And they all have that terrible thumb stick texture that is too smooth in the middle and too rough around the edges. It would be a great controller if I was still 12 and had little hands still, in fact it would probably be the best controller if my hands were smaller.…
That actually sounds super useful. I am not really into the main Forza games but I love the Horizon series.
I do use DS4Windows and I don’t think I have ever seen this setting. I will have to look for it, take this star as a thanks for the help.
All the bad guys felt like they were the same because 90% of them were just swing your sword with motion+ in this direction to defeat.
Skyward Swords motion controls were meh. They were fine for the sword, but net, and beetle. But I hated using them for aiming the bow and hookshot, also they would sometimes give me a hard time with Skyward strikes, I would hold the co troller straight up and it would work then glitch and reset the charge of the…
God, Lair was terrible because of the bad implementations of motion controls. The dev team wanted the controls to feel like reins not a 1:1 movement with motion cortrols. So having slow unresponsive controls mixed with the lack of feedback with motion controls made the game unplayable.
Yes you can. If you can’t then it isn’t a place you should be playing games at.
Yeah and then they said Fallout 76 wouldn’t actually get cross play even though Sony will allow it now. So I guess their bluff has been called.
Your delusional if you actually think Destiny is a bigger franchise than Madden.
I have hundreds of hours on the DS4 and have no issues with the analogies becoming slippery. Though the controller that came with my launch console the analogue sticks rubber did fall off of, but I replaced that one and the new ones have hundreds of hours of overwatch put on them and I haven’t had any problems.