Eew, no. The duke might have been big but it was trash. The most unergonomic controller of all time. God that thing gives me ptsd.
Eew, no. The duke might have been big but it was trash. The most unergonomic controller of all time. God that thing gives me ptsd.
That isn’t to scale, it is much smaller.
No it isn’t. The texture on the analogue sticks is terrible, it is too small, and it is much harder to hit the bumpers than it is on the 360 pad, also the new triggers being wider is far worse than the 360 triggers as well (it might work slightly better for racing games, but for shooters it is far worse.)
Those are all true as well. I do go long stretches without playing Sims 4. I wonder what it is it is missing that makes it not as addictive?
Sims 4 might not have that many gameplay differences in it’s base version, but it is so much better. The UI is better, Sims AI is better, the game runs so much better, hell I can play sims 4 on my 10 year old MacBook Pro better than Sims 3 runs on it. Sims 4 is actually a really well made game, yeah at launch it…
It does kind of suck that the patent for load screen games expired just as loading times started getting shorter and shorter for games. Because I hardly have loading screens anymore. Even GTA V doesn’t have that long of load times compared to past GTA games.
It isn’t just gamers, everyone is like this. You just happen to be reading a gaming website so you see it as gamers. People as a whole are pretty shitty.
My biggest problem with Horizon 4 is also my biggest problem with all Microsoft games, on PC why can’t I use a PS4 controller? I can use a PS4 controller for any game not made by microsoft on my computer. I even have programs that will make the PS4 controller function like a 360 controller for older games, but it…
I mean boobs move in real life, this isn’t some Dead or Alive level boob physics. I don’t get the issue.
Astro Boy is definitely mainstream, but it is also old. Kind of like how Tom and Jerry is mainstream but also old and people now might not recognize it.
Destiny 2 was also given out for free as part of PS+ and was in a Humble Bundle for $12 with other games included. So take those destiny numbers with a grain of salt. Also Madden is a yearly release, not everyone buys it every year, and I would say most don’t even buy it every other year, yet they still play it.
No Apple will, and it will be innovative and brave.
I am sure if Cod or Battlefield really wanted cross play Sony would let them.
Fortnite and Minecraft have console exclusive skins and items. It doesn’t seem to be an issue for them.
Sony has always had Mouse and Keyboard support, devs just need to enable it in game.
You can cross play Fortnite on PC with iOS. Think about that for a minute.
I agree I don’t think it was any legal reasons, more just the fact that Epic games has a lot of pull in the gaming industry.also Sony probably saw that they were losing potential money in Fortnite item sales.
In that situation is is up to the developers. Sony has always been open to PC and PS4 cross play. Rocket League and Fortnite are 2 examples that could always play with PC players. So it is up to the NMS team to enable the feature.
I totally thought they were going to hold out and make crossplay a big PS5 feature.
HFR is bullshit, especially on these OLEDs. These TVs are 60Hz only and the 120fps HFR is just accepting the signal. Also HFR looks terrible, HFR is why the Hobbit movies looked like a PC game cutscene from the 90’s. This is just marketing BS to brag about new features, not actually a good technology.
HFR is bullshit, especially on these OLEDs. These TVs are 60Hz only and the 120fps HFR is just accepting the signal.…