No, Traider Joes has quality food. Aldi’s is a crap shoot if something is even edible or not.
No, Traider Joes has quality food. Aldi’s is a crap shoot if something is even edible or not.
Don’t worry Waluigi, Nintendo seems to have forgotten Shovel Knight as well. He was a DLC character in Smash 4 but I haven’t seen him anywhere in Ultimate’s marketing.
I think it is because he Majority of actual gamers hasn’t paid attention to CoD in forever, and it fanbase is down to just high schoolers.
Ahh! I thought you were saying it just didn’t work personally for me. So I guess we agree, I just misinterpreted your comment. Good day sir.
That’s the joke.
Where? Also who was looking for him? And why?
This isn’t high quality art, this is street graffiti put in a game. Also I was speaking more towards freelance design than studio artists. If someone wants a design or logo made they aren’t always going to be able to pay 20 different artists to make them a design. They get specs done and then choose the one they like,…
The way your phrased this question makes it difficult to answer, but yes, it is true there are only cosmetic upgrades.
If Sea of Theives cut any content you would be sailing in an empty ocean.
This! I worked in advertising for a while and we would put an add up that we needed a logo for something or a design for something and people would submit their ideas, then we would take the one we liked and pay them or have them create something similar for us. This is just how the industry works, and how it kind of…
That is totally untrue, if I were hiring you for a contracted work, I would definitely have an opt out clause especially for any artistic piece. Because what happens if the artist brings in totally garbage work that you can’t use? You are not going to pay for that. So even if you are contracted as an artist, you still…
Welcome to every industry in the world as technology advances. Would you want to go into truck driving as a career right now? How about a Walmart chasheir? Hell even personal trainers are getting phased out by YouTube. Every industry has a way of making your job cheaper, it is the future.
New ropes are so scratchy, they really need to be broken in first.
It isn’t predatory at all, it is standard fair in the art business. If you produce garbage art I am not paying you because I can’t use it. If I just make a ton of scribbles and submit them should Ubisoft have to pay me for participating? Hell no this is the real world.
It is rare for an Artist to get a living wage. You have heard of the starving artist, that is a thing. It is a trade off for not having a real job, and don’t say “it is a real job because...” bitch please, tell me it is a real job after you have to pour concrete for 10 hours a day in the 90° summer weather, or after…
No, Ubisoft should have to pay everyone who submits art. This way I can submit a million penis doodles and I will have to get paid for each one. I need to do this to get rich. God! doesn’t Ubisoft know I need money?
Ok, who cares? Let kids create new menu items, who does that really hurt? Also no one is forcing them to create these menu items.