Except art is not a consumable resource making your analogy totally wrong.
Except art is not a consumable resource making your analogy totally wrong.
Skyward Sword... except I don’t feel guilty for hating it, people who like it should feel guilty because it is a steaming hot pile of shit, advertisement for Motion Plus disguised as a Zelda game. The fact that they had to remap the down arrow to calibrate Motion Plus and the fact that there are like only 14 games…
To be honest I do like aLttP but I also think it is the weakest of all top down Zelda games. The sword is kind of annoying, like why does it cut to the left of me and straight a head but not to my right? Also the most annoying par, cutting grass to find fucking bees!!! Why? I am low on hearts so I am cutting grass why…
You are probably right since no one talks about Titanfall 2.
I can understand that, for me it isn’t even the game of Overwatch that turned me off of it, it is the developers and the community. I played Overwatch for about a year, but the constant tweaking of the characters and abilities, and the community always whining over the new updates really made me sick of the game. I…
I think you have that backwards. Play Uncharted 4 then go play Rise of the Tomb Raider, it will feel like you are playing a last gen game mechanically.
Uncharted is so much more polished than even the new TR games. Yes the new TR games are amazing, but everything just feels better in Uncharted, from climbing to discovery, the better animations in Uncharted make the characters feel better, more responsive, and more alive. The shooting in Uncharted is so much better in…
Destiny 1 and 2, I really wanted to like these games, the mechanics, art style and music is so great... but they are just so light on content or anything to do, and they are so repetitive without any justification for being repetitive. At least if there was some story reason for doing the same mission 20 times, I…
Yeah they did this for Smash on Wii U as well. I was stupid and thought I already have 4 GC controllers, but i lost 2 of them when I moved and then looked the price up on Amazon for new GC controllers... yeah I am glad they are re-releasing them again.
Madden used to be great, back in the genesis to early PS2 days... but now yeah, they are lazy cash grabs.Pretty much most EA games now are a little terrible, and it sucks because they own the rights to some of my favorite game, like how Sims 4 is just inspiring to play. Honestly though Sims 4 is a fine game, it runs…
It wasn’t emotional at all, it was boring. There are a ton of trailers that have sad or calm song in them that work, and work well. The KH3 song didn’t fit what they were showing and sounded bad, and it had no emotion to it at all. It ruined the trailer completely and I am not the only one who thought so. Go check out…
I was just thinking lives left but yeah, that works too.
Yes, both of those things are terrible.
This is seriously puzzling to me. Other than the Let’s Players who play it on stream as a joke or to make fun of it, who is buying this game? and more importantly why are they buying this game?
Someone at Square Enix needs to read this article. I am excited for KH3 but man did those trailers bore the hell out of me, and it was 100% because of the music.
If you are JR Smith is your stock invisible and do you always lose in Sudden Death?
Yes but now they are releasing new gamecube controllers, I need to pick up 2 of these.
Bomberman, Tetra, Makar, Donkey Kong Jr, Impa, Slippy (we all want to beat up Slippy), Waluigi, Toad, Leon Kennedy, Clair Redfield, Arms People, Alucard, Batman, Dovahkiin, Vault Dweller, Blaszkiewicz, Shovel Knight (He was in Smash 4 but hasn’t been shown in anything about this game). This is all I can think of right…
I am glad they are releasing another run of GC controllers. I hope the WiiU GC adapter works on switch, I know it kind of does already, but I want smash to fully support it.
You aren’t the .1% I feel like most Smash Players are more casual and mostly play with friends but everyone has 1 or 2 friends who take it way too seriously.