
The Mario Party games are still 90% about Mini-Games but there are actually 2 new ways to move around. The 3DS Mario Party games now have everyone roll at the same time and move instead of taking turns, the Wii U and Wii Mario Party games made everyone ride in the same vehicle and take turns being the driver and the

I was going to say the same thing. Man that game was tense, and the multiplayer was great as well. I remember being crazy frustrated at the gun fight part in the second game.

The 2-3 years thing is just a rumor. though with the GPU and RAM shortages recently I wouldn’tt be surprised if that delays the next gen of consoles more than any other reason. Neither MS or Sony want to finalize hardware specs. in a market like this. I mean say Sony jumps the gun and releases a console this Christmas

RE2 was kind of a surprise, I mean I new there would be an HD remaster sooner or later, but I wasn’t expecting a full remake. Also I heard about Sucker Punches Samurai game but I didn’t know anything about it, and it looks fantastic.

I think the Chick Fil-A guy came out and apologized and stopped donating money to anti-gay charities. Not that, that makes them good people, but it is better than nothing.

Well that is awesome news to me.

It is a Baby powered, stealth, existential, time traveling, tactical, narrative heavy, exploration game... from the looks of it.

Nah, the East only had 1 good team and a team that had LeBron on it.

Sounds like your experience would be terrible no matter what it was.

That is fine, TBH most of the games they showed I didn’t care much about but there were a few, and I thought that was great. Announce enough so there is at least something for everyone. They really need it, they have turned the Xbox brand around from the disaster that was the announcement of the Xbox One, and made it

That would be awesome, but I highly doubt it.

“Worry not, lesser-equipped adventurers.”

I agree that 3 was hot garbage but I really like Origins. Brotherhood was my previous favorite AC game but Origins is better.

Agreed, why would I go to ihob when I have Five Guys and Shake Shack?

It really depends on the IHOP. I have been to IHOP’s that have amazing food and IHOP’s that have some of the worst food I have ever eaten.

Nah, IHOP is a good name. It is like if Apple created a rabbit.

This is actually really consumer friendly. These are full $60 games that you get access to all of them Netflix style for $100 a year. Idk about you but I wouldn’t spend $60 on Anthem from what I have seen, but if I can spend $100 and get to play all the EA games that is an easy decision. I can try anthem and if I

Damn, so for $100 a year I can play Battlefield and try out the new Madden and Anthem on PC, do we know if this will include and season pass content? If it does it is worth it if you just want the newest BF games with their season passes.

To me it seems weird that the publishers’ conferences can be held before the platform conferences. Like let MS, Sony and Nintendo present before all the publishers so they can hype up all the new games and then let the publishers show us a more in depth look at the game.

Is it embarrassing or is it expected at this point?