
What? Did you watch Mocrosoft’s Conference? That is killing it, Bethesda easily beat EA but that isn’t saying much, I bet the PC conference is about as exciting as EA’s conference and there is no unifying company in charge of that one.

Devolved also isn’t a AAA publisher.

There is a lot of hate in the comments, but this game sounds awesome. We just had Fallout 4 a few years ago, and they are still working on ES6 and Starfield so they haven’t abandoned SP games, they just want to have some fun. Also this is totally like Bethesda, there is an Elder Scrolls Online, VR, Card Game, and soon

I doubt it will fail, it is Fallout branded. It will do well.

Or nobody uses them out of fear of Mutually Assured Destruction?

Yeah but I with the way they presented it it sounds more like a nuke might just pop your base into your inventory and make the location uninhabitable for a while, he said you don’t lose progress, and I can’t imagine people would be happy to spend hours creating a base to have some troll just delete it after a quest.

I think MajesticHart is mistaken, they said the game is always online, but that you could play solo. Kind of like how you can play Destiny Solo, you don’t need to play with other people, but other people will still be there in the world, nuking things.

Except I am buying the software off Steam if I can. Yeah MS got a little bit of money when I first got my computer and not much after that, I guess they will get my Gears and Forza money.

On a side note, the Yeezy 500 is the ugliest shoe. Seriously, if you see someone wearing them it just shows you someone with more money than taste. If you want to spend a lot of money on shoes there are good looking expensive shoes.

I would totally buy that basketball game. Like Mario Kart meets NBA Jam.

Yeah and they need that break. People are sick of having games come out yearly plus having a season pass added on to that game as well every year.

AC Oddysey basically shows Ubisoft has no idea what it is doing anymore. They took a break between syndicate and Origins and they needed to and now they are saying screw hat make it a yearly franchise again. Nah, Oddysey isn’t going to sell well, it might be good but they are oversaturating the market, plus RDR2 is

Yes, but this is an article about the times, they couldn’t break down the different time zones? I know I could use google but it is annoying to click an article and then do the math myself.

Sims 4 is optimized really well. I have had zero issues with it on my current computer, granted it shouldn’t, but it even runs on my old MBP and that thing is 10 years old now. It is a first gen unibody MBP, with a core2 duo, and a GeForce 9600m gt, and it can run Sims 4 just fine.

Thank you, Nintendo games are supposed to be chaotic and not “fare” that is what makes them fun. If one person is so much better at a game that they always win it isn’t fun. Because if you are always the winner it isn’t fun, and if there is no way you can win it isn’t fun.

You don’t need to buy it. It is a box full of things for collectors. Like how blind boxes are popular now, things like loot crate and geek box.

Considering he wrote “Collector’s Edition” I think he was confused.

Yeah but that is pretty sad, I like racing games and I think Forza is great, especially the Horizon games, but it is a really niche market.

Stop using Pacific Time, 47% of the US population lives in eastern standard time and only about 14% live in Pacific.

Yeah except we have Ultra HD cameras filming the games from 800 angles and computers that can 3D simulate every second of every play. This might have been helpful in the 70’s but it wouldn’t make any difference today.