
Except that isn’t illegal to do in most States.

I’ll stop you here, a Camry is NOT a luxury car. Damn you are digging a bigger and bigger hole for yourself. A Camry is a regular mid-size sedan, there is nothing wrong with it, but there also isn’t anything special about it. It is a good baseline to judge every other mid-size sedan though, because it is exactly what

The mirage is garbage, and you compared it to another garbage car. You really need to drive more cars.

I mean when a show makes up facts about a vehicle to put it in a bad light that is the definition of defamation. So it totally makes sense that they sued. It also isn’t the only time Top Gear made things up about a car.

It sounds like you just got a faulty one. The wheel spins quite easily.

It sounds like you just got a faulty one. The wheel spins quite easily.

So if there are about 20 million switches out there and 90% of owners don’t buy the peripheral that is still 2 million sold.

Damn, question though, do you play Smash Bros on it? I really only play RPGs and Nintendo made games on mine, though not Smash bros. No issues on my or my GFs 3DS XLs. Also it was definitely the best handheld system until the switch happened.

It was sarcasm, see my last line about how Hummer had a great lineup of cars... yeah they don’t exist as a car company and didn’t exist in 2012 when I made this comment.

Once Donatello died in the OG NES TMNT game it was time to restart the game.

Hi I’m a 90’s kid and WTF is that abomination?

Nah, I liked Mikey cuz he had Nunchucks. And lots of people liked Leonardo he was the leader. It was Raph that people didn’t like.

WIth this art style they all should have lost.

Damn, I thought I used my 3DS a lot but I never wore out any buttons. And I have like 10 games with over 200 hours on them... that is what happens when you work at a small store in a small collage town, when you go back to school. You end up sitting in an empty store for a lot of hours with nothing to do.

I like Momento, but I don’t get the joke.

Make it a dock that doesn’t have and processors in it, so it is cheap to make. Then it can use the switches power to run the games, the Switch is more than powerful enough to run any N64 and older title.

Why do you need to play them more than once a month to buy an attachment that plays them. To me if you are playing NES games once a month it seems like it would be a no brainer to buy that periferal.

You can’t tell me if they made a device that you could play GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, and N64 games all in one device that could connect to the Switch they wouldn’t sell millions of them? Even if it was just a dock attachment that uses the Switches processors to render the games, it could be cheap to make and sell a

I wonder if something like that could work over Bluetooth? Because that would be amazing, especially with the switches portable and docking modes. Plus it wouldn’t need to directly attach to the console then.

The Yakuza games are aweful, idk how people can play those. Good thing Sony has like 12 other AAA exclusives a year. Also I am pretty sure most people bought their PS4 before 4K Blu-ray was even a thing, it is stupid that they don’t have it now and didn’t add it to the pro or slim, especially since Sony would only

Nah, have a pop up then blame the parents if it fails.