I bet this will make Hunny Pop trading cards worth far more though.
I bet this will make Hunny Pop trading cards worth far more though.
I do like Razers aesthetics, yeah it is gamer-y but it isn’t in your face. If you disable the RGB they mostly can pass as regular periferals.
I do like Razers aesthetics, yeah it is gamer-y but it isn’t in your face. If you disable the RGB they mostly can…
I wish this mouse were larger. It has every feature I want but it is just slightly small for my hands. It is still the mouse I use the most though. Having extra buttons comes in handy in so many games.
I wish this mouse were larger. It has every feature I want but it is just slightly small for my hands. It is still…
It is almost the best mouse, the side buttons are sunk in just to far. If they fixed the side buttons so that they were more functional instead of having cool aesthetics it would be the best mouse.
It is almost the best mouse, the side buttons are sunk in just to far. If they fixed the side buttons so that they…
That FPS Clitch is on a ton of other mice and it first showed up in the Logitech Protius Core like 8 years ago.
That FPS Clitch is on a ton of other mice and it first showed up in the Logitech Protius Core like 8 years ago.
The g703 is the updated better version of this noise.
The g703 is the updated better version of this noise.
G703 by far is the best mouse for most people. For some reason Kinja won’t let me add photos to my post.
G703 by far is the best mouse for most people. For some reason Kinja won’t let me add photos to my post.
It is easier to program for the 5 SKUs Apple has vs the 100’s of Android phones. So it is easier to work the bugs out of. Also all iPhones are flagship phones where there are a ton of crap android devices out there. Not everyone has the Newest Galaxy S or Pixel device.
I guess that is just how you play it.
They already put things behind an age gate. Can’t they just hide these games but only to people old enough? Make it so that you need a credit card on file to access these games or something. Problem solved, it isn’t like kids haven’t figured out to click I am 18 let me I to Pornhub already. They already can see…
No, but exclusives are why you but one console over the other. Why buy a console that only plays some of the games that come out when the PS4 can play everything that comes out except Forza. And if you have a PS4 and a PC you don’t really miss anything, and while Halo 5’s campaign isn’t on PC the multiplayer is and it…
Big bucks? The Xbox One S was $180 with a game included around Christmas time. Wait till then and get one. Plus the $180 makes it the cheapest 4K Blu-ray player that is worth a damn.
Man, just go to the Mall and you can get Shake Shake in like 5 minutes. And baseball games are for cheap hotdogs and beer.
Even if you could somehow have memorized the entire story line of KH, I am pretty sure it still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. They are great games, but the continuing storyline is not very well thought out.
I blame Humble and PS+ for most of my back catalogue.
The nice thing about steam is that you can add non steam games to your games list to make it slightly easier... as long as you don’t have any consoles with digital purchases.
A lot of routers have this function built in as well. My Netgear Nighthawk has file share functionality built in. Also network attached storage that can be accessed from anywhere in the world so I can be anywhere and send files to my computer at home.
Don’t buy Nutella at the grocery store, go to Sam’s Club, Costco or BJs. It is so much cheaper, seriously you will get 2 big containers of it for the price of one normal container in the grocery store.
Don’t buy Nutella at the grocery store, go to Sam’s Club, Costco or BJs. It is so much cheaper, seriously you will…
Yeah... the dress up always a little awkward, it went on a little long, and that music... I get that thematically it fit, but that is a bad song. Also very little gameplay. Well we get the gameplay trailer tomorrow, so hopefully that is better. The first game had a lot of promise.
It has nothing to do with comfort, yeah the 360 pad was designed really well. It is the build quality of the controller. They would break, buttons would stop working, they would stop receiving a charge from play and charge kits, battery packs would stop working and they would only work when plugged in with a play and…