
Nintendo is worth far more than $40B. Mario alone is worth about $25B alone, let alone any other franchise they have, plus hardware sales. But you know, make uneducated guesses all you want. You are going by stock market valuation, and that is far from what a company is actually worth.

So stealing is the obvious answer... get out of here.

The 460 was such a good console, except for the fact that it had the worst hardware. The consoles and the controllers were terribly made.

It wasn’t just the Falcon chips it was all 360s, even though it wasn’t nearly as big of an issue but even the Elite, S and E model 360s still suffered from the RRoD... though the ring was gone on the S and E.

Stardew Valley will finally be on my Phone!.. kind of.

How would that be any different than being sniped?


Ok, out an old PC game disk in your computer and see how much you own that old game... yeah odds are it isn’t going to work.

Is it bad if Acura recently hasn’t been as nice as Honda? I mean I get your point but Acura is one of the car companies I am sure nobody would miss if the disappeared now. 10 years ago people would have missed them but now... yeah they make super plasticity looking, ugly, oversized hot wheels ass,  crappy, expensive

Isn’t that the way any company selling an item would like it? I mean if I made a product that didn’t have any competition I would be ecstatic.

How is that any different that Playstation Plus or Xbox Live? You still have to buy the games to play online there as well. And don’t tell me it is because it is free now, because Nintendo announced that this was the plan before the switch even launched. Also the payed online was supposed to have started already, you

Nah, if he goes anywhere it would most likely be either LA or OKC.

No, even with an SSD, If I load Sims 3 and 4 up at the same time Sims 3 will still take forever to load, it is just poorly optimised. Also I did no corporate apologies, You have some issues you really need to get help with.

No they were all free updates, but thank you for your comment 2014.

Sims 4 loads screens are like 4 seconds long. Saving in the Sims 3 took like 5 minutes, that is far worse.

Like what? Pools, and Toddlers were both added in for free, along with a ton of other content. Also the Sims has always been one of the biggest franchises for paid post launch content.

This is just because the Master Chief collection is garbage. It is seriously one of the biggest messes in recent video game history. It was far too ambitious for its own good. Play Halo CE on PC or the Halo 5 Forge on PC at 60+FPS is amazing. Higher frame rates only mean a more responsive game. It would be like

I only have a 1070 but yes, I can’t wait for MHW either. I feel like I have been waiting forever. The PS4 version has been tempting me though.

This makes me wish there was a PC version so I could run Performance mode and Resolution mode at the same time. But I only have a regular PS4 and the game obviously isn’t on PC, so I have neither.
