It was more comfy to hold and the turnbo buttons were thumb savers on a lot of old games, but that D Pad was terrible. If they made a NES Max with the cross D Pad it would have been perfect.
It was more comfy to hold and the turnbo buttons were thumb savers on a lot of old games, but that D Pad was terrible. If they made a NES Max with the cross D Pad it would have been perfect.
Vegetarian and vegan are not even close to the same level. You can be healthy and be a vegetarian, it is almost impossible to actually be healthy and a vegan. Our body’s have evolved over millions of years to consume meat products. We need a lot of those nutrients that you can’t get from other sources without taking…
Those are all serious conditions, being a vegan is just an unhealthy life choice.
I don’t get why people would hate these. Some of the sets were pretty cool, and some weren’t just like any Lego theme. I do wish the hair and mini dig bodies were more creative but whatever, some of the mechs were pretty cool.
Have you played it recently they added first shot accuracy, so if you don’t shoot fully auto it is totally hitscan.
I would totally play a Harry Potter Puzzle Quest type game. Or a Harry Potter Super Puzzle Fighter.
And people have pirated the hell out of AC Origins, your point?
And people have pirated the hell out of AC Origins, your point?
This game is really fun but, it runs like ass on PC. sometimes it will run just fine but others it will freeze for about a second or 2 every few minutes and it is super frustrating. It is most likely the fact that they are using 3 different types of anti piracy software on top of the already pretty demanding game.…
I just deleted the game after I hit the pay wall. I think I won this battle.
Not only is it free, but it is far more polished than PUBG is. Inventory is clean and not cumbersome to use, there are far less glitches, the characters have character, they seem to actually care about fun, adding ridiculous weapons and skins to the game, I don’t confuse screenshots of Fortnite with [insert generic…
It doesn’t matter what features the PSP has, people were let down by the lack of support and quiality titles on the PSP. I had a PSP and I had a bunch of friends who had PSPs, they mostly collected dust because he games weren’t actually fun and the load times made portable play not worth it. So people were already…
I actually think Rayman is more of a headline than Beyond Two Souls.
Ratchet and Clank is worth playing, it is also pretty short. You can beat it in like 15 hours. But it is a lot of fun.
So basically gaming is irrelevant and the husband just doesn’t want sex.
I have had this happen to me even before the last patch. I would have the game freeze right before something big happened then I would be dead, sometimes I feel like it didn’t matter but sometimes it definitely made me die.
$280 is still too high for 1tb, especially a SATA 1tb drive. I know that is normal, but it is also insane. When SSDs get to $160 for a 1tb drive that will be when it is worth getting one. Till then a 256gb ssd and a 1tb HDD it is.
$280 is still too high for 1tb, especially a SATA 1tb drive. I know that is normal, but it is also insane. When SSDs…
Yeah the people born there see how the City really works, those born outside only see the glamour of King James and get pulled in.
Other than hardly any snow you make Cincinnati sound like hell. Also Cleveland is pretty conservative, saying it is liberal compared to Cinci. Damn Cinci must suck if you are not a trust fund baby.
Okay and every one of those Xbox one games are available on PC except Halo 5. And 99% of those games can be had on a PS4, but the PS4 has actual good exclusives. Also the Switch has great exclusive games so the number of games on a console means nothing, it is the number of quality games that can only be played on…