
I just saw a commercial for the Eclipse Crossover and I died a little on the inside and now I see this article... Mitsubishi is dead to me.

I mean there are 2 road patches in the image and semi’s are covering the majority of the street in the image.

That isn’t evil, that is just called seeing a whole in someone’s strategy. Yeah I thought of that too, I was like how is this supposed to work?

This, sorry Pc culture has gone way too far. They are looking in every crevice they can to find something to be offended by.

You do realize that power =/= good games. that the Xbox One X is probably the worst console right now because it has the least amount of games, Sony and Nintendo are making great game of the year contender games that are only on their consoles, Microsoft made Re:Core and that game with Iceman from the Xmen movies.

This doesn’t work in real life, I am pretty sure all these videos are staged.

People are stupid, “I hate that this happens so let me do the exact same thing I hate because reasons.” - Someone at sometime in someplace.

I hate that the word feminist has been tainted so badly. It seems like some of these people do want the right thing, but others are taking it to the extreme polar opposite side, and becoming the thing they hate. This article shows this is an issue all over the world.

Yeah I think I own deadspace and borderlands 2 on just about every platform they are available on, all from giveaways.

Saying guns are stupid is giving humans far too much credit, it is humans who are stupid. Also you spelled Uzi correctly. To be fair there isn’t much we can do at this point, guns are far too available stopping their sale won’t help much. What we really need are classes in schools teaching of the danger of weapons,

There is some serious flaws in your story. If he didn’t check the chamber he is NOT well-versed in anything gun related, and most certainly not in gun safety.

If I had kids I would totally get this to play with them.

Why were jewel cases made of the most fragile plastic? Seriously I was careful as a kid and the hinges almost always broke, or the case would get a crack on the cover when you took your games/cds over to a friends house. I am so glad BluRays have way better plastic cases.

The tall jewel cases were only the really early PS and Saturn games, after a little bit the switched over to the normal sized jewel cases.

The bakery by my house actually makes this around thanksgiving, it is basically Pumpkin pie the filling is a little more creamy, with a thin layer of chocolate pudding on top. It is surprisingly good.

I was playing squads today, and I found a port-a-fort, I popped it near the end of the game to get the high ground and take out a team right next to us. As soon as it popped the other 3 teams left all started shooting rockets from pretty much all sides of us and took out my tower in less than 2 seconds. It was

LMAO, Cheap cost of living! No you don’t have that, you have middle cost of living with way overpriced houses and rent. The metro parks are cool, I will give you that. What are these mid-major market perks you speak of? The Cleveland-Akron area is like the 8th largest Demographic area in the US for TV and Radio so it

It is super ugly. It also has nothing to do with the size of the grill it is the shape of the grill, and the ugly huge black plastic piece under the headlights, also the body color side pinch in parts. It is just super ugly, it was an ugly look on the Silverado and it is just as bad on the Camaro.

Ohioans would all rather move to Florida, I swear Florida’s population has more people born in Ohio than in Florida. Granted Ohio sucks, LeBron and Ohio State are the only things the entire state has going for it, so I am not sure why anyone would want to stay there.

Other stores too, the grocery store by me was out of eggs and so was Target.