
I was out of eggs and went to the grocery store the other day to get them and the entire isle was empty. I had to buy egg beaters and those are stupidly expensive... even if the southwestern version is delicious. I can’t make pancakes with eggbeaters... maybe you can but I haven’t tried it.

If you have egg laying hens you probably killed the rooster so he doesn’t ruin the eggs.

Your point? Also you should proof read your comments before you post them, it doesn’t make much sense.

I was disappointed when someone didn’t shit themselves with excitement over the win.

I mean you can see his face... lol. Yeah I guess it is like when you go to the Nike Store and they use that machine to mold your foot then you see that it is like $350 for a pair of custom shoes and you don’t buy them... wait a minute!?!? I think I messed that story up.

I didn’t even know Minerva was her name (I had to google that one, I didn’t even know she had a name), but yes most likely. Also definitely Gadget.

This made me LOL way more than I was comfortable with.

My cousin and I were so excited for this game when we saw the commercial for this, the. he got it for his birthday one year, we played it once and were so underwhelmed we never touched it again, and it kind of turned into a joke.

I loved Sega when I was little, and they still do release genuinely good games every once in a while, but man they just keep failing at every turn. It is like watching Lebron before he left for Miami, he was amazing but the rest of his team was a joke. He would play amazingly but everyone elce was just falling over.

I wish I could down star comments.

Oh shit!!! That is awesome, I knew I liked Insomniac... other than loving the R&C games.

My second gen genesis still works just fine, but when I saw the genesis 3 at Toys r us when I was little I wanted one so bad.

I’ll have to get back to you on that one I am driving through a tunnel.

Right after I posted this I found 4 in one match. WTF!

I am pretty sure Lola Bunny is the cause of a lot of furries out there.

How the tables have turned, usually it is GameStop robbing its customers!

Idk, If you wear regular black or red chucks pretty much everyone has a pair of those. Or any Adidas Cloudfoam based shoes.

Take my damn star.

This is why we have flat earthers in 2018.

As a person of Native decent it isn’t cultural appropriation at all, it is actually just a mistake and the name stuck. The settlers thought they were in India, and called the people they found Indians. Once they realized their mistake the name was already in place. It isn’t mean or degrading it is just a name. Stop