
Yeah like Gears of War shotguns. They were so satisfying, even though that game would turn into a shotgun battle in the end as well.

I thought he was being Jon Risinger from Rooster Teeth.

But the Switch version wouldn’t be close to 70gb because he Switch only has a 720p screen and is only powerful enough to play the game back at 900p on a TV, so the 4K textures and ultra high and high settings don’t need to be put in the game since they will never be used.

Why? HDDs are cheap.

Higher polygon counts in models, environments, etc

Yeah, I’m not sure why people went Xbox this generation. It started out less powerful and more expensive and now that they have a more powerful console, they gave up on making games for themselves. I went PS4/PC this gen and am totally happy, I am also waiting to see what this new Switch revision is all about then

Imagine how much this would freak him out, spoiler alert, it is a Samsung Car that they sell outside the US.

McDonald’s is the Golden Arches, who would question their building techniques?

No, they are not opinions. The movie has a ton of flaws that you can count and measure making it a fact that the movie is bad. SS is objectively a bad movie, and it is unintentionally bad.

There is no contradiction there. I wasn’t just giving a second option.

That isn’t a mistake. This is where you are confusing yourself. If you don’t see it, I don’t know what to tell you. Also Batman is a perfect analogy, you do know the debate around Batman right? That him not killing the Joker has actually killed more people than if Batman just killed the Joker. This is basically that

You must not live in Florida, if this test was put on Human drivers they would fail here multiple times per day. Humans can’t handle this task, maybe we are t ready for deployment.

And I am sure when you are at work you spend 100% of the time there doing exactly the one thing you are paid to do... /s

Because a 20 year old is an adult living on their own. These parents raised their children so poorly that one is dead, and the other one shot his sister in the face over a video game. Fine they don’t need executed just sterilized and but on an adoption agency black list. We don’t need them raising any more children.

No, I didn’t yell it. I know exactly what I want, the kid doesn’t need to suffer, his death doesn’t have to be violent. Lethal Injection would be just fine, I don’t want to put him in front of a firing squad. The fact that you think the world is a better place if this child is living in it tells me a lot about you. I

I am sorry you are so narrow minded, that you can’t see why having this kid still alive benefits humanity in no way at all. If you can’t see it, than I don’t blame you.

I am not angry, you are the one resorting to insults. I am just simply stating facts. This kid doesn’t belong on this planet, his life needs to be cut short. There is no emotion in that statement, it is just a fact. Yes i feel emotion for the sister, but she is no longer part of this world because of the actions of

No, I have never shot anyone. If you think these comments here are rage you have no idea what rage really is. Also define the difference between rage and blood lust, those are synonyms. You should stop trying to be an internet psychologist, because you are terrible at it, and logic isn’t your strong suit.

We don’t need to exorcise the parents of every murderer because every situation is unique, that would be a pretty psychopathic this to do, I am not sure why you would suggest it.