
No, I don’t feel empathetic towards someone willing to end someone’s life over a videogame or the terrible parents that raised that monster. I feel empathetic for all the creatures of this earth that would have to co-habitats with this piece of shit you feel so connected to. Maybe you are the psychopath here. Actions

No, giant spider clowns are worse. They will have to add flys to our ice cream and I just can’t live with that.

Lmao, you would be surprised how many do vs. how many have access and don’t kill anyone when they are mad and want to play video games. Or else this would be a daily situation in Texas.

No, I know exactly what I am doing. A psychopath wouldn’t use logic or feel empathy, that is why I said the death penalty, we need this family’s genetics put to an end, we don’t need to torture he kid. Also if you’re willing to take the life of your sister over a video game, you need to have some consequences.

Who cares how old he is? That is irrelevant. He was willing to kill his sister over an argument. Sorry it doesn’t matter how old he was he still knew what he was doing. He lashed out in rage, and we don’t need that in the world. We don’t need this family’s genetics being passed on.

You are right, I read the article wrong. Somehow I got it into my head that IO worked on this new TR game. I scrolled back up to the top and reread it. But I still like the idea.

It forced you into a lot of situations that you had to shoot your way out of. But yeah it was definitely closer to Hitman than the original TR games.

I hope you never discover Reddit, for your sake.

It is both, gamergaters (not nearly as cool as the name implies, half-gamer half-alligator, now that would be a sight), and SJW’s. Because SJW’s don’t actually want justice, they want everyone to think exactly like they do but pass it off like they are doing it for some other group of people.

No, it is pretty much fact, you can break down every cinematic aspect of the movie, it is pure crap. The cinematography isn’t done well, granted it isn’t bad either, just average. The story is one of the worst stories in the history of film. The music selection was laughable, yes they are good songs but they don’t fit

Yes, there is no point in keeping him on this planet. If he got angry enough to kill his sister over a video game, there is no room in this life for him. And don’t tell me he didn’t know what he was doing, at 9 years old did you ever shoot your sister? No, because sane people don’t do that regardless of age.

That deal on the TRX straps is a really good price, but if you really like doing body weight exorcises, I would recommend spending more and getting the SBT straps, they are far better and more versatile. Having the built in ankle strap is huge, it really lets you get a lot more creative with your workouts. Also I have

That deal on the TRX straps is a really good price, but if you really like doing body weight exorcises, I would

So can this little kid and his parents all get the death penalty? I mean there is no reason for any of them to be wasting space, resources, and time on this planet.

I agree with what you are saying, and I support owning a gun, but I still say fuck the NRA. I am all for having gun control, and gun control shouldn’t mean that we can’t have guns at all, more that we should have to be responsible if we want to own one. And the NRA is just a bunch of unresponsible assholes who only

No, Suicide Squad has a bunch or really well cast actors in a movie that has Zero redeeming quality. There isn’t a single good scene in the entire movie, even if the actors do a pretty good job of capturing their characters personalities.

Damn, these people commenting to you are really short sogted to not see the ramifications of this. They want to take more power away from women and say it is to protect them... right. I am glad all these “men” and SJWs know what is best for everyone else.

Taking power away from women is not protecting them. Yes women are sexy and that is one of the powers they have. Think about what men will do for a sexy woman, that is power. Stop taking that away from them.

Better keep those kids away from any public area, never let them go to a beach or water park, never take them to a mall, or clothing store. Seriously these neck beards need to get a life.

With RotTR the story didn’t seem as well developed. There were a lot of parts that just felt forced. To be honest I had more fun doing the side missions than the main campaign. Yeah the controls in RotTR were better than the first and the game was far more streamlined. Oh also hunting didn’t feel as good in this one

Don’t forget the Hobbit... oh god my eyes!