
“This guy fux”

American Civil War Silver Medal Winner’s Memorial Highway

Yes. They way the Nevada law is written, it’s practically encouraging people to camp in the passing lane simply because they’re going the speed limit.

55 is the amount of data I purge when I see this pic.

I’m pretty sure Jackie Chan was driving more advanced tech than this in 1981.

Most of this is just myth, that Ferrari seems to enjoy. Obviously any flagship car is going to be tough to procure, regardless of badge. But my local dealer keeps 488s in inventory for random Joes off the street to buy.

I stopped reading at “had $4k to put down”. That will buy you 2 perfectly reasonable cars in even the most expensive zip codes in the US. But no, this guy HAD to have an image vehicle.

After discovering how far airlines go out of their way to prevent you from ever actually using your miles, I’ve decided that credit card points are the War Games equivalent of global thermonuclear war. The only way to win is not to play.

Not to mention that there’s no way it will meet pedestrian impact regulations in any first world country.

Seems like a good deal, but unfortunately as a middle aged guy, I will not be pledging a sorority any time soon, and therefore have no reason to wear North Face products.

Seems like a good deal, but unfortunately as a middle aged guy, I will not be pledging a sorority any time soon, and

Aston Martin is confident it will be street-legal everywhere it sells, including in the U.S

It’s a shame that it will likely be wadded up before the day is over.

You need to look across the street.

Thanks to Bill, I got to see one in the wild a few weeks ago. Hard to see, but yes, it was the real deal.

If you car about audio quality, spend a few bucks more and get this one:

If you car about audio quality, spend a few bucks more and get this one:

I want to see the picture of him at the boat ramp.

The best choice would be to buy 10 Land Rover Discoveries, from 10 different craigslist locations, and swap them out Pony Express style.

I’m disappointed that nobody had the decency to write “honky lips”.

Even worse than fake. Portrait.

To further convolute the argument, there are different grades of nitrogen, which allow different amounts of moisture. Your local Discount Tire is probably not selling you medical grade dry nitrogen, regardless of how much they are charging you.