I, for one, happen to like movies about gladiators.
I, for one, happen to like movies about gladiators.
They need to go PC and have Dom drive a Miata.
Seattle Metro has been using a system like this since well before I had a problem with kids on my lawn.
We are already in a state where potentially injuring someone is worse than actually injuring someone. Driving your car into a ditch after drinking will get you a far worse penalty than accidentally running down a pedestrian while sober.
Or it’s Ja Rule’s, and Helen Mirren mistakes him for the chauffeur.
Technically, beyond the broken windshield, were these people actually breaking any laws?
All things being equal, when looking for someone to keep my money safe, I’d probably pick the bank with its own arsenal over one that didn't.
Wow, when I heard the cost to secure a ride at LeMans, I didn’t think they were speaking literally.
While the Porsche guy’s criticisms are true, other than the seats, these are issues that affect essentially 0% of Tesla owners. Building a more robust power system for a would add cost, but provide no usable benefits.
It’s a shame such a beautiful shot was wasted because he forgot to hold the camera straight. Or was the camera hanging from his neck and he accidentally bumped the shutter?
She was probably just planning on actually sending them pinball machine parts.
Her character, who after a hard life partying and modelling at import tuner shows, struggles to find a non-douche to settle down with, as her 30th birthday quickly approaches.
Wait, I thought the ongoing problem was that Mustang owners didn’t have drivers AIDS.
I really wish this show aired a day earlier. Watching auto related TV is such a Sunday morning ritual for me, but I also don’t like to have to wait a week to watch.
My doctor ordered me to shut down for three days. In order to allow my brain to heal, I had to drop everything.