
WTF is a sammich?

Anyone know if it actually has 15kwh of batteries that sit dormant, or if the software just limits the entire pack to only discharge 60kwh of power? My guess is it’s the latter, which might make an argument that the 60kwh software will give your batteries marginally longer life/charge cycles.

I’ve yet to see Amazon allow an outside seller to undercut them, after shipping.

Not even sports cars are safe from becoming crossover SUVs.

So do idiots like this ever get charged with insurance fraud?

Any time I see a debadged car, I assume it is recent a salvage respray, and the knock-off, eBay emblems are currently being held up in customs.

As usual, the Navy guys have to one-up the Air Force.

I thought this was the case in all states.

Wheelies on a bike are like drifts in a car. There’s always 2 polar opposite opinions on it.

Damn. I wish I knew how to spell the sound it makes when the bike jumps. That would totally be appropriate right now.


It’s probably similar to how a C7 Z06 owner would look at someone who owns a limited edition Cobalt. Same company. Different peer group.

Hypothetically, would the $2.5M actually cover the cost of the single race?

Those dirty lane splitters obviously had it coming.

Yeah, that was definitely beer.

Didn’t the Bravada give us the running gear for the Syclone/Typhoon?

I used to “borrow” my dad’s T-T/A in high school. So much fun.

I wonder how often he has to stop himself from wrongfully impounding his own car.

But think how many jobs they create?

but why not just have a button for “descend” mode