
Rekt so hard, he now has a salvage username.

I predict this will be sitting in the Dirt Fish lobby by year’s end.

Which choice was the Giulia again?



Not the way I’d have her seated.

Enjoy your 3 hour commute home to your half mil studio apartment.

Lol. You just called me your home state.

Seriously? This has to be here?

This place has got everything.

LA California is a shithole and so is everyone that lives there.

My wife refuses to call the remote anything except “the clicker”, despite begin young enough to have never actually held an acoustic/clicking remote. Now my 8 year old kid calls it that too.

Not trying to justify Mr G-money35's behavior at all, but 9 times out of 10, when someone is totally pissed off at you on the road, it’s a result of something YOU are doing.

Lol. I’ve just been dying for an excuse to post that gif.

Now they just need to cast an Asian woman.

Now playing

Too bad this guy wasn’t on the flight. He’d take the perpetrator down without breaking a sweat.

I want to SB100 this thing.

How I imagine the dining room.

Hopefully they do away with the Michael J Fox camera work, which has ruined every one of these otherwise perfect movies.