
Probably something to do with balls touching.

Know how I know you’re gray?

Who even remembers this commercial?

I think it’s something to do with Ferraris and fire.

I’m going to save a fortune on dog walking.

So the red key plays the brown key?

Wow, just look at all those people in danger. How will they possibly survive?

I would.

I’ve always been a huge fan of overly stanced cars. I consider the owners to be doing me a favor by letting me know clearly that they are to be avoided. If they were in a normal looking car, I’d have no idea.

Or would it?

This should be cross posted to Jewelopnik, where some enthusiast is likely to spot the stolen loot.

Since it’s California, they’ll probably prosecute him for putting his hands up to protect his face, rather than waiting for law enforcement to arrive.

My friend had no idea that my car logs this stuff.

Damn, that certainly puts things in perspective.


Or he had the sudden realization that he was now in a no-win situation and decided to behave like a rational person would. Any other decision would have made him look worse.

Last year I received a collective stink eye from a tour group of 30 Ferrari enthusiasts when I accidentally kicked the diffuser on Schumacher’s 2004 car.

If it gives me shot with a Victoria’s Secret model, I could learn to work around an outbreak or 5.