
That’s a whole lot of words to say that you’re in favor of kids being murdered in school.

Holy shit, Janikowski was on the Raiders when Gruden was there the first time.

Hard to brand an interview as “Listen to an old guy talk about some kinda interesting, contradictory basketball stuff for a bit.”

Man, they traveled all around the world doing that? If I could do that, I’d never leave my room.

I read the first paragraph. Someone tell me if I missed anything in the rest. (I’m too apathetic to finish.)

Thanks to the magic of audiobooks, I’ve gone through 200 books in the last three years. I can remember quitting 3 in that time - ragequit “Ready Player One” and was bored by “Embracing Defeat” and “Leviathan Wakes.”

I only sort of followed this story and assumed he hadn’t played all this season.

Content aside, why is the BPD tweeting about Black History Month at all?

Not that it really matters in comparison to what’s happened to her, but she was really a fantastic swimmer. The only other story about her on this website prior to this was about how she set an “untouchable” world record. (A record that was greatly aided by the rubber suits in use back then, but everybody got to use

Totally agreed with you. As someone that’s still involved w/ swimming, the best I can do to minimize the reckoning coming is that it’s probably most all sports.

Holy shit he brought Otto Warmbier’s dad?!

Watching the first dude rocket down that mountain, I couldn’t help but wonder how many catastrophic stopping incidents there must’ve been. They’re going real fast! Aside from “stand up, outstrech arms, hope not to fall down” idk how they slowed themselves.


Cross country skiing is no joke. Dude wanted back into the athlete’s village BAD.

Relegation. Relegation is how you actually force shame upon MLB owners.

Now playing

Real Sports just had a segment on the USOC and how it doesn’t support athletes financialy.

You can get it yourself, just suck on a machine gun

ICE HSI’s child exploitation investigations focus on two areas of enforcement, under the auspices of what is known as Operation Predator: disruption and dismantlement of individuals and groups involved in: (1) the possession, receipt, distribution, transportation, advertisement, and production of child pornography;

I mostly remember Katarina Witt for being in a magazine my dad had.

Does it, though?