
These are my personal favorites.

Or we can just not kill people. The cost of those deaths is far more than just money.

Would’ve driven right into it!

Oh for sure, I’m right with you on how bad our system is. Hell, I’m even very intrigued by the whole “abolish prisons” movement, but then you get the extremely rare case like Nassar and I just come up with nothing.

At this point, what else are we supposed to do, though?

I would like to read a comparison between this and say, Ferguson, please.

That the French call was just silence for the whole initial dropback makes me want to listen to the entire broadcast, as I’m hoping the whole thing was just as full of contempt.

LeBron should just use this season to rest up. He’s played so many damn games over the last decade, just cruise on this one man.

Logan Paul’s surprisingly pulling off that red jacket.

Is America currently struggling with the overspill of people? The economy is supposedly booming! Unemployment is at an incredible low!

So why would so many people be such a bad thing?

Nah, that wouldn’t happen. You might get a few more migrants coming from Central and South America, but nothing that’d be considered a rush or a cause of infrastructure collapse. It takes means to make a move like that and most people don’t have those means.

Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’

Yup, you’re right.

Were those his daughters standing right behind them?

I still remember seeing this as it aired. I woke up my roommates screaming, “oh fuck!”

Why is Berlinger saying they “were unable to replicate the issue when the security bottles were handled per the product’s instructions for use.

Pictured - Two Tough Guys:

I’m just surprised golf hasn’t tried catering to #millenials by letting people blast like, air horns and vuvuzelas and shit at any point.