
Yeah, I have a G37S sedan and slow is not something I’d ever consider calling it. It’s not a sports car, no. But it can certainly get up and go when it needs to. Certainly faster than a VW.

Yeah I had a G35 that just had a set of springs and was lower than this guy’s Passat.

Yep. It’s been my favorite Ferrari since I was a little kid and my dad got me a die-cast toy of one. I went almost 30 years without actually seeing one in real life till some badass brought one to VIR a couple years back. I got weak in the knees.

For almost literally my entire life (I’m 30) my parents and I have had Subaru’s (3 different generation of Outback and I had a 2.5RS for many years). Not a single one ever suffered any sort of mechanical failure. I’ve never heard anything about poor engine reliability. Are the newest models bad or something?

I managed to catch a ride with my dad on the 611 when I was a little kid, 20 some years ago at least. Was also lucky enough to be in Roanoke when they brought her back home a couple years ago from the big refurbishing in NC.

N&W’s J class 611 is still running around. They look very similar.

Always wanted to see one of these things in action. I always think about it when I see that one on 77 going over Fancy Gap.

Yeah, when it’s working. Which apparently isn’t very often if my two buds that work at the Land Rover/Jaguar dealership here in town are to be believed.

But real talk, Draymond Green is a bag of dicks.

Yeah but you guys lose points every time I see that dumb flag on some Lax bro’s shorts.

You just perfectly put into words my hate for NoVa. Just like that.

I only ever drank the unflavored kind because it used to always be on sale at my grocery store and came in a 12 pack. Suddenly, the 12 packs turned into 8 packs but the price stayed the same. I started buying the store brand after that out of principle.

037 is the answer. Plus it got a rad road going version. Someone do me a solid and post a pic of the road car, stuck at work.

Bah, ruined. Too much stance.

This is truth. I’m not here to hate on Chik Fil A at all, their fries are fine but nothing touches Rally’s. I haven’t had those fries in years but I still remember how awesome they are.

I think about his character often...which is unfortunate.


side note, those Carabinieri guys have the nicest looking vehicles.

I always made sure to buy this car in Gran Turismo.

Don’t forget the 500 versions of RX-7 spanning three chassis codes and 1200 different versions of WRX/EVO.