
Mind blown on the update. (A) He made these comments before a jury of 11 women and 3 men. But today (B) they found him not guilty. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

I’m deeply resentful of 45's administration for many reasons; on the list is that his presidency has forced me to say things like, “Wow, this Kissinger piece is hilarious” and “Let’s not besmirch the good name of Richard Nixon by comparing him to Trump.”

I was on my condo board and we decided to shake things up and meet at a local restaurant (low key, but has a bar). A board member arrived early, and rather than go in and wait, rolled down her car window to enjoy the early summer evening air and called her sister to chat. After a few minutes she hears a female Boston

I’ve gotten to the point where every time I see him and his supply side social justice ass I’m legit enraged. It’s not great. Much like Iyanla, Bernie ain’t doing shit. His unwillingness to endorse Ossoff and pal around with his Transvaginal ultrasound mayor pal just makes me hope in my heart of hearts he

Considering Anne is from Brooklyn before it became gentrified to all hell, I believe this. And I also have the feeling that as nice as she is, fuck with her and she’ll cut you.

It’s this kind of stuff that turned so many people away from Hillary.

Yes, very much so. For simple possession it’s just a $100 ticket, but that can have pretty significant collateral consequences. And it was one of the main drivers of stop and frisk, with tens of thousands of black and minority people ticketed or arrested for possession after being stopped and frisked.

Love this interview and this sounds like a fascinating book. Added it to my list! And I think I will carry it around in the meantime to throw at the next person who crows about the founding fathers.

I remember reading a book about her in middle school (well; one of those somewhat fictionalized, first person POV young adult novels). I thought her story was amazing. I remember the scene in which she makes the decision to run; throughout the book, she had been holding on to the idea that she would be free one day

I was a kid in Hawaii when we got statehood, and I remember that there were political issues that delayed it, but at the time I didn’t really understand them. I didn’t have any idea that miscegenation was one of the issues, because it was such an ordinary thing. I had plenty of “hapa” friends, and nowadays it seems

He is the perfect Senator for our current needs. Acute, detail-oriented, and quick-thinking. I’m sure Paul Wellstone is looking down upon him happily from progressive heaven.

I, like most sensible Alabamians, am fully aware that this is a garbage state represented by garbage politicians.

And private prisons generally. Which is why he reversed Obama’s decision to phase them out, even though very thorough reviews have shown private prisons cost more and perform worse than government-run prisons.

YouTubers are a bigger concern because these internet personalities present themselves as ordinary people. Entire video categories are essentially YouTubers shilling products. Obvious examples include unboxing videos and kids playing with toys.

Look at this response. She fucking killed it.

Hawaii’s statehood was delayed for a number of years by Southern conservatives who were appalled at the prevalence of miscegenation there, most notably Sam Rayburn. You think Jefferson Beauregard Sessions thinks that Hawaii is really part of the United States? When he was growing up it was nothing but a military

I *love* that this reads like an obituary... 

I’m not a person that is going to hold up a “Kill” anything sign. That’s not a message I want to normalize for the 4th grader in my life.