
Heroes should have been a limited-run series.

Also, working on a pilot last year where I was directly involved with the hiring process, I have to say that agencies and management companies are very culpable. We had a showrunner that loves diverse writers and a mandate from the studio that said we had to hire a certain amount of diversity and still had issues.

I am so afraid. The last strike happened one year after I became a member of WGA and it was disastrous for so many people and their families. The only upside for me was that I was in my twenties, single, and I was used to being poor as dirt.

As someone currently working in TV writing, this is not really how it is at all. It’s not the union keeping POC out, studios actually have mandated diversity on staffs. The union wants everyone to work and they don’t have any impact on who gets hired. To say that the studios could just hire scabs is kind of like

It’s the titanic prescription. General knowledge is that the iceberg sunk the titanic, but about 20 things had to go wrong for that iceberg to sink that ship. Trump defeated hillary (kinda), but 20 things had to go wrong, Comey, russian hacks, misogyny, bill, weiner, electoral college, the special ed treatment of

“revealed that in her forthcoming book, she will tackle the role misogyny played in the election.”

Yeah, have fun with that. I know it, she knows it, most of her voters know it, but try telling that to any of the Bros and you’ll get a five paragraph long tirade filled with enough righteous indignation to make you

The way this country treated and continues to treat Hillary Clinton is a national disgrace.

Conan really knew how to deal. In terms of late-night shows, it separated the wheat from the chaff in a hurry.....

Here is your annual cuteness reminder that Baby from Dirty Dancing is married to Agent Coulson from Agents of SHIELD!

“Look, I get it, people are comforted by the thought of a progressive feminist in the White House,” says Bee, “To which I say, if you wanted that, you should have voted for it.”

Bernie or bust millennial “feminists.”

The 53% of white women who voted for Trump?

who the hell is counting on ivanka?

I still get the sads every time I remember Jerry Orbach is dead.

I really doubt it’s the *union* keeping women and POC out of writing rooms.

It killed any momentum that Pushing Daisies had, and for that I will always be sad.

Flashdance! I watched it last year when I was home sick. It is like a caricature of a caricature of the 1980s. It’s definitely not a comedy, but it was hilarious.

What? but sixteen candles has that hilarious scene where the jock guy gives the dorky kid his passed out girl friend to take back to his place and do whatever he wants with.  It’s sooooooooooooo funny.

You should definitely try to watch The Godfather and The Breakfast Club. The other movies are good too but those two have so many homages in modern tv/film you should watch both movies at least once to recognize all the tributes.

What do you think the driving plot point will be, cause it sure as hell wont be the chick needing to get an abortion.