
How much of a part of this is the insanity of the Breast is Best hysteria? I know there are important documented benefits of breast milk for premature infants because the antibodies in it are valuable for helping them stave off infections, among other things, but I doubt all this demand is coming from preemie moms

he’s a white man, he doesn’t get held without trial.

It’s not so much about justice, but prophylactic measures to prevent a greater harm.

“How short sighted and stupid could one person be?”

I’ll just put in a plug for my very guilty pleasure, the website WhatKateWore. It’s not that Kate’s clothes are interesting (she actually has extremely conservative and repetitive taste) but the community of women devoted to parsing her wardrobe with the fervor of Talmudic scholars is fascinating. So much obsessive

:-/ I graduated from a Christian school, and their policy is that if a girl gets pregnant she’s expelled immediately. Her boyfriend, however, can pray and repent and gets to finish his time at the school.

It’s not sad. It’s just the way that we have all been conditioned to think about ourselves. I’m fine with my 3" grey streak running right through the center of my hair. I haven’t dyed it, even though I think it makes me seem much older than my age.

She’s been forced into it because Workshy Will is busy trying to repair his reputation after his latest fiasco where he skipped the Commonwealth celebrations (which every other senior Royal managed to do) to go skiing with the lads.

It’s almost like this is their job.

I agree it’s wrong what the spouses are doing. But if any of those women spoke out they’d be excommunicated immediately. And everyone in their cult would testify against them, so they’d probably lose custody of their kids as well. Which means the abuse would probably worsen and those mothers know that. It still

I think people don’t realize how insidious sex shaming is in some religions and how outright denying it perpetuates perversion. Plus the responsibility of sexual purity is exclusively a woman’s matter.

I think it’s possible to feel both badly for the life she has been forced into and also upset with her for not protecting her children.

Parents can be real a-holes about telling their kids stuff to clear their own consciences. I was a teenager when my dad (drunkenly) told me about how my parents (divorced many years by that time) had planned on not having kids. My mom is just too forgetful to be a good candidate for the pill.

That’s the thing for me. Surely if she were willing to leave both Josh and Quiverfull she could find plenty of people willing to help financially, and she could get a LOT of money on a tell-all book. So she’s not really in the position a lot of young women from ultra-fundamentalist movements are in.

The terrifying part is their reaction that the ashley madison stuff was worse than the molestation. Molest little girls that’s “understandable” go on Ashley Madison, that’s where we put our foot down.

Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until

Why is he still allowed to be around children? His or any?

I’ll never understand this argument, but I do agree that one’s child should pay for their car. A 16 year old has no credit, and likely no savings. Someone has to front the money for the car, or you’ll be stuck driving the kid around until they have enough saved to buy a Mercury Topaz because you want to prove a point.

It would be nice to know that the AWD is not available with the manual transmission