
I don’t really know what that means in the context of kids fibbing about homework in order to screw over their siblings. If you tell your children that they’ve lost the privilege of unmonitored computer time for now and that the websites they visit will be reviewed during what is supposed to be homework time, that

I think there’s a difference between viewing children as an object one possesses and believing that a prepubescent child doesn’t have the right to absolute privacy. What does that even mean for children? “Where did you go after school today?” “None of your business!” “I’d like to speak to Casey’s mother about this

So, I have all of the brain function of a teenager without the metabolism?

You are still talking about a statistically small group even if the conduct is legal. And I eel bad even comparing numbers but apparently I have to show my work to prove that there are issues that may worry good parents. This is honestly why I never comment about my job here. It's completely worthless work to Internet

I’m open to any options. Who even knows what will be available in ten years when my kids hit puberty? I am very thankful that my husband has a degree in information security so that we can make the best choices possible. Likely I would treat computer privacy like I now treat bathroom privacy. You get it if you don’t

As a parent, you can try to cover as many topics as possible, but there is always something you missed. And kids see and do way more than you can cover.

You seem to have missed the entire point of what I said. Children are much better equipped to handle the Internet if a parent has spent time helping them learn how to spot scams, bad websites, etc. Being able to leave your kids alone with the Internet is the whole point.

You have some serious deep seated issues that you are projecting.

So because bad parents exist (in droves even) good parents shouldn’t be given resources? What a poor way to argue.

As a parent, nothing pisses me off more than having to click a button.

Uh, this has been around for a while, and you had better believe I want to know what my 12 year old is doing online.

Okay, maybe I’m just an overly rational voice of common sense here, BUT...

For those of you who are beginning to complain about trigger warnings, this would not be an example of triggering content and the aim of the warnings is not for censorship.

Once, in my own time as a musical theater kid, a choreographer taught me how to “spot,” or keep my balance while pirouetting: to find a place to focus on and keep my eyes there, no matter how quickly I turned. At the end of a series of spins, you will always end up at the place you have been spotting. This is what

And also #government-educational-standards-should-have-to-be-met-for-homeschooled-students-because-not-every-jackass-should-be-able-to-teach-their-kids....

Working from home is...working. I have had to work SO hard to convey this to family and friends. There’s no room for child care and house cleaning during my work hours, just as there isn’t if I were in an office building. I have to reply to one friend pretty much weekly NO I CAN’T GO GET DRINKS AT 3 PM. I AM WORKING.

There are certain situations where it can be extremely difficult to give a straightforward and honest answer. Where one feels conflicted about giving their true opinion, or worse feel that giving their true opinion might upset the other person so they give a false answer.

I’m fascinated by a group that thinks that mandating health insurance is violative of individual liberty and human dignity, but forcing a woman to carry to term against her will is A-Okay. The lack of awareness is incredible.

Of course, once this passes, there will be lots of legislation and funding to assist the families who have been forced to birth a child with disabilities for which they are perhaps not capable of caring/coping/etc. Otherwise, that would just be cruel to both the families and the children.

Most of the time it is cheaper and less time consuming to just give the shitty person what they want, so that they go away faster. This is basicly every large chains customer servce policy. Unfortunately shitty people also know this, and it encourages them to be even shittier, creating a shit cycle. Eventually all