Plenty of places do it. The state school I went to currently charges $970 for tuition and $8,305 in mandatory fees. I agree it’s absurd but it’s hardly unprecedented.
Plenty of places do it. The state school I went to currently charges $970 for tuition and $8,305 in mandatory fees. I agree it’s absurd but it’s hardly unprecedented.
Weitzmans cost more than double what Ivanka’s line costs. They aren’t in the same ball park at all. I mean, I’ve never bought any because we’ve known the Trumps were vile for a long time but saying that a $375 pair of pumps is “slightly more expensive” than a $135 pair is utterly ridiculous.
Ah, I just always cringe when people from outside the state act like everyone here is super progressive. I live near Amherst and it’s.... something. I’m sure glad I’m not living amongst the Bernie-bros and grappling with sending my kid to their schools.
We have Republicans but they aren’t generally from the People’s Republic of Cambridge.
He’s a very vocal democrat. There’s a huge section on it on his wikipedia page. He would occasionally make the news in Boston for drawing attention to pro-union and living wage causes. (He may still but I don’t live there anymore.) Honestly, his politics are probably the best thing about him.
They’ll never approve these parole recommendations while Manson is still alive which seems reasonable to me.
My parents had a mat in their room for my brother. He’s always been a super dysfunctional sleeper my mom says she wishes there had been such a thing as pediatric sleep studies when we were kids.
I wouldn’t be as strongly inclined to vote for recreational if the state hadn’t made the process so arduous for medical users. I think we’ve got a ways to go before it gets fully corporate. The Feds would have to be on board and I don’t see that happening any time soon.
We can all go ahead and vote yes on 4. Legalization is on the ballot in less than a month.
I have family in Boynton Beach and they never lost power.
Neither of those statements is true. There’s actually evidence that delaying exposure to nuts (a recommendation with no science behind it) has actually increased the number of allergies. The recommendation for honey is 1 year and has been for at least a decade.
This. I had a similar issue after a long term infection (I managed to get DIV which normally affects menopausal women at 21). My pelvic floor ended up too toned. I had physical therapy similar to what the author described but my partner being super chill and supportive about it was definitely integral to my success.…
I know a lot of people who think having a Republican governor balances out our very blue state legislature and makes it “fair.” I hate these people and live in fear of how much damage the Baker adminstration is going to do to education.
Edit: Nevermind, I didn’t realize how old this post was. Stupid sidebar.
Yeah, I wish the post and made some sort of effort to introduce them. This seems like the sort of thing I would know about but I’ve never heard of them either.
Oh wow, I’m sorry. I found one of my second graders crying in the bathroom today. Her friend was near tears. There was a rumor going around that clowns are kidnapping kids and they’re going to kidnap more on Halloween. It’s really not fucking funny.
Those are common children’s names. It’s not like they named George something like Ethelred. George was a top 10 name in England and Wales the year he was born. Charlotte can’t be far behind. It’s certainly extremely common for baby girls in the US.
I mean, in the case I referred to, it’s Sunday school so it’s Sunday morning. My students who are scouts have troop meetings in the evenings.
Some Catholic parishes have done this. My SIL teaches Sunday School and there have to be two adults in the room at all time. If one of the regular teachers is out they ask a parent to volunteer to hang out for that week.
They support troops but never veterans. Conservatives give zero fucks about veterans unless they’re participating in conservatives’ pageantry.