
It’s not just making women feel smug and superior, though. It’s making them depressed, guilt ridden, and trapped. It’s an insidious concept.

The Dr Sears brand is all about feeding the fears of middle class white mothers in order to make a profit. The Dr Sears “attachment parenting” concept and brand is incredibly damaging in a number of ways. Honestly, The vaccination bullshit is the worst of it but I’ve seen that shit wreck marriages, women give up

I’m sort of amazed to hear that Diclegis works for anyone. I was pretty convinced it was just a placebo. (Needless to say, it does not work for me.)

Omg, I want Crown World to be a thing so bad!

The most expensive daycare a in my area are on-site at colleges. They certainly charge more than adjuncts make.

When my husband worked for the federal government they had on-site daycare. He had a friend who would go nurse her kid during lunch so she didn't have to pump as much.

She was totally sneering. No other way to explain her word choice.

I am a teacher. Target had school supplies out BEFORE my last day of school this year. I am permanently scarred.

People are trying to figure out how something like this happens. How does it get so bad before some one steps in?

The first Dunkin Donuts was in Quincy, not Boston. My mom lives in Quincy and I can walk to 5 different Dunkin Fonuts from her apartment.

Yet. I was stretch mark free until 36 weeks and now I look like the worst case scenario.

I am from “the Center of the Universe” and currently live amongst the dragons. This is my favorite map.

Ha! I saw that on twitter and thought the person was just trying to save characters in a long tweet.

Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and New Jersey also don’t have a tampon tax. So between this and the states that don’t have sales tax there are 38 states left to go. Which is still 38 too many.

According to the study linked:

Absolutely. I’ve done IEP goals along the lines of “develop skills to help them notice when a peer is trying to take advantage of them.” I suspect that that vulnerability to being a patsy or to being bullied into something represent a horrifying number of prisoners.

He probably wouldn’t be able to be “normal” socially. An IQ that low is generally classified as “low” or “borderline.” It varies tremendously from kid to kid but in my experience kids with low IQs require a lot of support/intervention to develop social skills in order to get the nuance of peers’ sarcasm/jokes and to

It’s not just about being shy. I am not shy. My son, however, was super nosey. After about 5 months no nursing actually got done unless it was in private. The rest of the world was just too interesting and having a kid who’s latched try to turn away from you is very uncomfortable.

You can lose your license. Which means can't PPP over to the next county and go it again.

That's normal. The OB just shows up to catch.