
Divorce rates have been steadily declining since 1981. But yes, many people don’t think these things through.

I would totally trade the Adele album for a new Kesha album. Sony should understand, though, that I am the only person who feels that way.

I did the same thing. I got a faint line on a cheapie test and made my husband go out and buy the fancy ass digital one. I had taken many, many cheap ones in the months before that, though.

She’s half Greek. Her dad was German/English/Scottish.

It started at $2.8 million. She eventually received a sum under $600K.

Don’t repeat corporate propaganda without Googling first. Liebeck originally asked for $20k to cover medical expenses (her 3rd degree burns required skin grafts) and loss of income. When McDonalds refused to settle they went to trial. The jury was so horrified by the willful and gross negligence that they awarded her

Since there’s no reason to assume the mom is lying (unless you’re projecting your own issues onto her) this read more to me like her daughter has more or less cut off contact which mom didn’t expect and doesn’t know how to deal with. Where other commenters are seeing threats it sounded to me like a little bit of

To be fair, Jezebel covered Savita Halappanavar’s death pretty extensively.

Honestly, the tantruming you’ve done on this article is a good example of why women distrust MDs. You are doing the exact “my way of the highway” condescending bullshit that makes people hate doctors in the first place. You are vilifying CNMs who deliver in a hospital setting for no reason other than Beth’s “tone” got

Damnit, I was looking at the wikipedia entry when I wrote that, too. (Sorry Dartmouth)

My aunt got beaten for being left handed at public school. Schools used to have a lot more beatings.

The Ivy League is 8 specific schools. It’s not subjective. They are Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale.

I work with two pregnant woman. They are each taking ten weeks. That’s considered “pretty good” here.

Public preschool isn’t free where I live and it isn’t full day. If you need care beyond 12:15 you have to go private.

She can write things like PTO into her contracts. I pay $200 a week for a home day care. That includes two weeks paid vacation and up to 5 sick days. One of the perks of being cheap is that you have space to do things like that.

It might be other state regulations. Massachusetts has been rolling out ridiculous regulation for home daycares that seem designed to force us all to send our kids to centers (which cost twice as much).

In theory, but I’m a teacher and I don’t know of any district in my area that has paid maternity leave. Some contracts allow you to accrue sick leave but that takes years.

Unfortuantely, it’s not bullshit at all. NCLB’s defintion of highly qualified only recognizes state certifications. It’s unclear to me why anyone gets the national certifications since they are essentially meaningless. She wasn’t certified to teach 5th grade. That dings the school in a way that could jeopardize their

It’s not like the Obama administration (and Race to the Top) moved away from or discouraged any of the BS in NCLB. The Obama administration is just as anti-public education as the Bush administration was.

The Gulliver does have the toddler bed set up. My kid will have a twin bed so the ones that make a full size headboard weren’t appealing to me.